About the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team
Founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1977 as a service to the running community and to promote self-transcendence through sports, the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team stages fun-runs, swims, triathlons and multi-sport events, and has become the largest sponsor of ultra-distance running in the world.
In addition to triathlons and shorter races, the Team stages ultra events ranging up to 3100 miles (over 5000 km), as well as National 24 Hour Championships in Switzerland, New Zealand and Canada.

Serving athletes around the world
In the early years of the "running boom", the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team events established standards and levels of service to participants that have now become commonplace – regular drink stations, post-race food and prizes for age groups to 70+ years. Athletes of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate in a friendly, supportive atmosphere, conducive to the achievement and transcendence of their personal goals.