Sri Chinmoy Sydney Series 2018, race 7: Iron Cove 14km, 7km & 4km Runs, Sunday 16 December 2018
After a few days of stormy weather the sun rose today on a beautiful – if not a little humid Sunday morning for the final race on the Sri Chinmoy Sydney series for 2018.
The 4km race started first today soon followed by the 14km and then the 7km. With construction happening around Callan Park there was a slight change of course to accommodate this. Unfortunately with the late change, the revised course could not be certified, meaning no course records set today could be officially recognised.
An extraordinary run today in the 7km race saw Marnie Ponton flying around the loop in the exact same time as the women’s course record – 25:06 – winning the race outright, six minutes ahead of second place Ellie Sarka in a time of 31:20 with third going to Megan Scott in 32:21.
Second overall and first in the men’s race was Alasdair Marshall in 26:38, second place Greg Churchill just 26 seconds behind him in 27:04 with Kieran Zubrinich taking third place is 28:47. Rounding off the 7km race in age group categories – Mens 50-59 winner Richard Sarkies in 26:40, Kieron Blackmore taking out the Mens 60-69 in 31:05 and David Iverach winning the Mens 70+ in 33:14. Hollee James won the women's 50-59 in 33:33 and the Women's 60-69 went to Sylvia Nichols in 39:41.
In the fast 4km race in these hot conditions the competitors kept their cool – even when the turnaround marshal made it too late for the fast first few competitors Our sincere apologies to everyone who overshot the turnaround and possibly did a 5km race instead of the planned 4km. We look forward to seeing you at a future race where you will have a free entry.
The Boys under 13 winner Saxon Sarkies won in 20:02, Wilson Sarkies winning the Boys under 17 in 18:38 and Graham Taylor the outright winner of the men’s race in 18:34.
Arabella Barr took out the girls under 13 in 20:31, Heidi Zubrinich ran a great race and won the girls under 17 in a time of 18:45, just 10 seconds ahead of second place getter Sophie Taylor. The overall winner of the 4km women’s race was Emma Ware-Maloney in 17:56.
The 14km race tested everyone with quite a number of people pulling out because of the heat and oppressive humidity – a wise decision for anyone struggling with the hot conditions.
Again the women's race showed some incredible speed and skill, with Katie Mahoney placing third outright and winning the Women under 50 in a stellar 55:08 – which would have broken the women’s course record for this event had we used the usual certified course – with ultra-runner Larissa Tichon taking second in 58:45, with Sandra Schmidt third in 1:00:30. Women 50 -59 winner was Leonie Montgomery in a time of 1:07:48.
In the men’s division first place and overall winner was Kay Bretz in a great time of 53:17, Joseph Tesvic took second in 57:22, with third going to Benjamin Schnebli in 58:51. In the Men’s 50-59, winner Philip Balnave also grabbed second place overall in 53:44. Men’s 60-69 went to Tetsundo Kato in 1:02:54 and the Men’s 70 and Over to Ben Dall'Amico in 1:16:33.
Congratulations to everyone who came down to Iron Cove for the final race of the season. Next year’s calendar is already out – you are all invited to give yourself a great present this holiday season and sign up now for the series … and maybe even a 24 hour race in June?