Swim - Starts on the beach at the southern end of Black Mountain Peninsula swimming area. The swim course goes initially south, keeping all the buoys to your right.

Cycle -KEEP TO THE LEFT AND RIDE SINGLE FILE AT ALL TIMES UNLESS OVERTAKING – DRAFTING IS NOT PERMITTED. Starting from the Bike Compound at the southern end of John Cardiff Close, proceed north along John Cardiff Cl with a right towards Garryowen Drive, then left onto Garryowen Dr, follow it to Lady Denman Drive and make a left turn heading west. At the Lady Denman Dr/Forest Dr traffic lights turn left into the Car Park Rd (no official name), do a U-turn at the end of the car park and return towards Lady Denman Dr, turn left onto lady Denman, follow to Cotter Rd. Turn left onto Cotter Rd, proceed past Dunrossil Dr and Dudley St (passing through the switched off lights controlled by SES) to merge onto Adelaide Ave. Proceed along Adelaide Ave past Hopetoun Circuit, turning left at State Circle, follow it around and then turn left at Flynn Dr. Continue down Flynn Dr towards roundabout, turn left onto Alexandrina Dr, follow till almost Hopetoun Cirt. Perform a U-turn around cones 30m before Hopetoun Cirt intersection. Return along Alexandrina Dr, at the Flynn Dr roundabout proceed straight onto Coronation Dr, turn left at Commonwealth Ave. Proceed over Commonwealth Ave bridge and take the exit ramp to turn west onto Parkes Way. Keep following Parkes Way west until the exit ramp to Lady Denman Dr. Take this exit and turn left at lights (controlled by SES) onto Lady Denman Dr and follow around to Garryowen Dr. Continue past the entrance to Garryowen Dr to commence a second lap of the course. After completing a second lap, turn left into Garryowen Dr and then a right turn into John Cardiff Cl. Turn left into the southern arm of John Cardiff Cl and dismount before the cycle compound.

Run - The course is an 'Out-and-Back' course. After the exiting the bike compound, the course turns right and initially follows the bike path in a northerly direction before veering left and leaving the peninsula to follow the bike path along the shore of Lake Burley Griffin in a westerly direction. The turnaround, which is also the 5km mark, is located approximately 500 metres after the course crosses Scrivener Dam.