Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon

The lakes & trails of Canberra

The Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon is three off-road triathlons back-to-back, an icon event celebrating the natural side of Canberra

Explore the length and breadth of the Nation's capital – self-powered
Experience Canberra's best views from 10 peaks
Swim in 3 separate lakes
Enjoy the 28th running of this epic challenge
Race solo; or in relay teams of 3; or up to 9 members
A day full of scenery, camaraderie and joie de vivre

About the event

Swim 1.5km + Mountain bike 36km + Run 18km + Swim 3.5km + Mountain bike 36km + Run 11 km + Swim 1.2km + Mountain bike 23km + Run 13km = Triple-Triathlon

The 28th Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon will be held in and around Canberra on Sunday the 9th of November 2025.


The Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon is the ultimate scenic tour of our national capital, a landmark event on the national multi-sport calendar.

The race can be enjoyed by teams or solo entrants. To attempt the entire course solo is one of the toughest single-day sporting challenges imaginable. Most race in teams, tripling the enjoyment in a celebration of camaraderie, application, speed, strategy and endurance.

Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon

Enjoy the 2020 edition of this famous race



Start time

  • 0530 Solo athletes
  • 0600 Relay Teams


  • Till 7pm 9 October: $180 Solos; $240 T3; $270 T4-9
  • After 7pm 9 October: $220 Solos; $270 T3; $320 T4-9
  • Add $30 one-race licence fee (per entry) if not TA members
  • ALL entries close 5pm Wednesday 5 November


Prachar Stegemann
0404 071 327
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Award categories

  • Trophies for all Solo finishers
  • Medals for 1st 3 teams in each U50 category & 1st team in each 50+ category

Race information

For all pre-entered Teams and Individuals, compulsory registration will be between 1pm and 4pm, Saturday 8 November at "My Rainbow-Dreams" cafe in Dickson Chambers, opposite the Dickson Post Office, Dickson.

If you have made changes to the composition or order of your team, you will need to have these recorded at Registration.  You will also collect race numbers and collect information on any last-minute course alterations.

To qualify for a Mixed Team award, at least three of the nine legs of the race must be completed by a female team member (ie three females can complete one leg each, one female can complete two legs and another can do one, or one female can complete three legs to meet the minimum requirement.)

Mixed Teams are still welcome to participate if less than three legs are completed by females, in which case they will automatically be entered in the Open Category.

Replacement of team members is allowed, provided the replacement does not alter the category of the team (ie all-female to mixed, or 3-person to 9-person etc). Replacement members must sign the original team entry form at Registration. Also at Registration, names are to be confirmed for each member doing each leg. Changes to this schedule will be permitted on the day, provided transition marshals are informed of the change in advance of the leg concerned.

Individuals- Every individual competitor must provide his or her own helper, who will be issued with an official helper's ID number at Registration. Each helper may only be responsible for one athlete. Individual's helpers may provide assistance of any kind anywhere on the course, with the exception of pacing (ie swimming, riding or running with the athlete for more than 30 seconds), or physically assisting the athlete to move in a forward direction (ie pushing, holding or towing the athlete). Helpers may row or paddle ahead of the athlete during the second and third swim legs (not the first swim leg), provided they stay at least 5 metres clear of the athlete. Helpers may touch the athlete as long as he or she is stationary, and may assist with clothing, equipment (including mechanical assistance), food & drinks, as well as motivational, inspirational and directional advice. Helpers are fully and exclusively responsible for the condition and security of the athlete's equipment, and transport of that equipment from one transition compound to the next. Helpers may not interfere with or impede the progress of any other competitor. To do so will incur the disqualification of the helper's athlete, even if he or she has no part in such interference.

Teams - Teams must provide their own assistance and transport, which must be limited to a maximum of two (2) vehicles. Only members of a team can provide assistance to a team member in the course of the event. All other conditions are the same as apply to the individuals' helpers. Any team member impeding or interfering with the progress of any other competitor or team will incur the disqualification of his or her entire team.

The race will start in three waves, from Dulwa swimming beach at the western end of Diddams Close, Lake Ginninderra.

Individual competitors, and all Teams All Over 50, Over 60 and Over 70, will enter the water at 5.30 am; the remaining teams of 3 at 6am and teams of 4-9 at 6.05am. Please assemble at the beach for final check-in fifteen minutes prior to your start time. Final briefing will commence five minutes before start time.

Upon completion of each leg, it is the athlete's responsibility to ensure that his or her number has been recorded by the timekeepers, before tagging the next athlete or proceeding to the next leg. Swimmers must remove wetsuits where a number is obscured. Besides the transition compounds, there will be several number checkpoints on each mountain bike and run course. These will be marked with a sign, and attended by an official. It is the athlete's responsibility to ensure that his or her number is recorded by the official. Failure to be recorded at a number checkpoint will incur a minimum time penalty of 30 minutes. Locals will be aware of many potential short-cuts, but should remember that to take a short-cut may mean missing a crucial number checkpoint!

Race numbers are recorded at number checkpoints and transition compounds throughout the race. Anyone whose number is not recorded within a reasonable time will become the object of a search (and, if necessary, rescue) mission. For this reason, any individual or team member choosing to withdraw from the event must inform, or have their helper inform either an Emergency Services marshal or a race official at an aid station or a transition compound.

In the event of a team member being unable to complete his or her leg, another team member may complete that leg on his or her behalf, provided race officials are informed of the details and circumstances before the replacement team member proceeds. The resulting split time for that leg will not be credited to any team member, but the team will still be eligible for awards. Otherwise, the team may choose to leave that leg uncompleted and another team member may start the next leg, commencing from the advertised cut-off time of the previous leg. In this case, the team will be allowed to proceed, and other team members' split times will be recorded, but the team will be recorded as a DNF, ineligible for awards.

Each team athlete must check-in with officials at the transition 15 minutes prior to their anticipated start-time. The team-member completing the previous leg must complete his or her course and be recorded by officials before tagging the next member, who is then free to depart.

There will be full aid station supplies at each transition point. These will include water, sports drink, fruit, sweets, First Aid kit, vaseline, sunscreen (all of which are available to competitors only), and either public toilets or Port-a-loo. The transitions from the first and second swims to the first and second mountain bikes will also provide hot drinks.

Access to transition compounds is restricted to race officials, individual's helpers (wearing helper's ID), media and team members involved in the changeover.

Transition compounds will be at the following locations:

Swim 1 / MTB 1 - Bimbi Beach, eastern end of Diddams Close, Lake Ginninderra.

MTB 1 / Run 1 - bus stop on Antill St, at the end of Watson.

Run 1 / Swim 2 - Grevillea Park beach, Menindee Drive, Russell.

Swim 2 / MTB 2 - Henry Rolland Park, Barrine Drive, Acton.

MTB 2 / Run 2 - grassy area beside Badimara St, Waramanga, near the Tuggeranong Parkway cycle path underpass.

Run 2 / Swim 3 – Nguru Beach off Mortimer Lewis Drive, Lake Tuggeranong, Greenway.

Swim 3 / MTB 3 - grassy area between KFC and Tuggeranong Arts Centre on Reed St, Tuggeranong.

MTB 3 / Run 3 - grassy area beyond the end of Hartigan St, Garran.

Aside from the transition compounds, there will be one aid station on each mountain bike course offering fruit, sweets, sports bars, water and sports drink refills (but not bidon exchanges), as well as rudimentary bike repair equipment. Individuals are advised to carry two full drink bidons on their bikes, as well as a full repair kit and 2 spare tyres. Anyone completing the entire course without getting at least one flat will be lucky! There are frequent aid stations on the run courses, though the more inaccessible will supply water only. All aid stations will be equipped with a radio or mobile phone.

Following is a complete list of aid stations:
(FS = Full Service; W = Water only; WSD = Water and sports drink)

1) swim 1 / MTB 1 transition: Bimbi Beach, eastern end of Diddams Close (FS + hot drinks)
2) MTB 1: summit of Black Mountain, bus layby (FS + repair kit)
3) MTB 1 / run 1 transition: Antill St bus stop, Watson (FS)
4) run 1A: summit of Mt Majura (WSD)
5) run 1B: horse logs near reservoir before Hackett Hill (WSD)
6) run 1C: turn-off under power lines between Hackett Hill & Mt Ainslie (WSD)
7) run 1D: summit of Mt Ainslie (FS)
8) run 1E: corner of Constitution Ave & Wendouree Dr, Parkes (FS)
9) run 1 / swim 2 transition: beach at Grevillea Park (FS)
10) swim 2 / MTB 2 transition: Henry Rolland Park, Barrine Drive, Acton (FS + hot drinks)
11) MTB 2: Uriarra Rd crossing (FS + repair kit)
12) MTB 2 / run 2 transition: beside Badimara St, near Parkway tunnel (FS)
13) run 2A: summit of Mt Taylor (W)
14) run 2B: Colquhoun St crossing, Kambah (FS)
15) run 2C: Laidlaw Pl crossing, Kambah (FS)
16) run 2 / swim 3 transition: Nguru Beach, off Mortimer Lewis Dr, Greenway. (FS)
17) swim 3 / MTB 3 transition: adjacent to KFC, Reed St (FS)
18) MTB 3 / run 3 transition: end of Hartigan St, Garran (FS)
19) run 3A: summit of Red Hill, lookout (FS)
20) run 3B: end of Walsh Pl, Curtin (FS)
21) run 3C: Bike path crossing of Dunrossil Dr (FS)
22) finish line / recovery area: (FS + hot showers + hot pasta meal)

Most of the course of the Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon is within Canberra Nature Park, which includes Aranda Bushland, Black Mountain Reserve, Bruce and O'Connor Ridges, Mt Majura, Mt Ainslie, Cooleman Ridge, Mt Taylor, Wanniassa Ridge, Farrer and Isaacs Ridges and Red Hill. We are very fortunate to have been granted permission to stage this event through the CNP, especially the mountain bike legs. The authorities of Environment ACT have been extremely cooperative and helpful.

However, please be aware that this event takes place in a public domain. We do not have exclusive use of any of these areas, all of which are used by many people on weekends. Please treat other users with courtesy, especially walkers.

Swim courses will be marked with swim buoys. The markings used for mountain bike and run courses will be detailed at Registration.

Athletes are entirely responsible for their own safety and must give way to all traffic at all road crossings. While marshals will be stationed at major crossings, they will not be stopping traffic, but simply alerting and reminding you to make a safe crossing. Please be patient and cautious. In the context of an all-day event, a short delay at a road crossing may be used as an opportunity for a brief rest. 

Athletes must show due courtesy and concern for all users of public cycle paths, including giving way to all pedestrians and recreational cyclists.  Competitors are not to 'race' along the cycle paths, and are to proceed at a normal recreational pace. 

All gates in Canberra Nature Park and the former Stromlo Forest which are normally locked will remain locked for this event. Where a gate is closed, you may open the gate to pass through, but must then close the gate behind you. Where a gate on the course is locked, it must be climbed.

This race is sanctioned by Triathlon ACT as a member of Triathlon Australia, and is conducted in accordance with Triathlon Australia race rules, with the exception of those rules covering drafting on the bike course. Drafting is permitted in this event.

Please note that all competitors who have entered or have been entered into this event online, whether as individuals or team members, must sign the participant waiver before commencing their respective leg or legs of the race. Copies of the waiver will be available at each transition area.

Any competitor who commences a leg without first signing the participant waiver is subject to immediate and automatic disqualification, and is no longer deemed a participant in the event.

From time to time Canberra’s lakes, like all inland water bodies, may be affected by various natural phenomena such as blue-green algae or bacteria. All of the lakes are tested regularly and rigorously, and are subject to closure if the levels of any potentially harmful organisms rise above certain standard measures.

In the event that any one, two or all three of Canberra’s lakes are closed at the time of the Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon, all effort will be made to ensure that the event proceeds as a Triple-Triathlon with 3 swims, though distances and courses for all legs may vary.  Alternatively the event may be postponed to a later date, with all entries held over to that date, or still valid for any staging of the event within 3 years of the originally advertised date.

The event is being attended by members of Sports Medicine Australia. Trained personnel will be on hand to treat injuries, with 4-wheel drives on stand-by in case of emergencies. Most aid stations and many marshals will have mobile phones. 2 boats will also be patrolling Lake Burley Griffin, in addition to smaller craft.

The most important component of ensuring a safe event is common sense, particularly on the mountain bike courses. Carefully check your brakes and tyres the day before the race. Please exercise care while negotiating all descents, especially if you are unfamiliar with the course, as some sections are really steep and rocky. The time lost through sensible caution is nothing compared to the time lost through a trip to the hospital.

Beware of snakes. In Springtime, snakes are still quite sluggish, being not yet properly warmed up. This is when they can be most dangerous, as they cannot get hastily out of your way, and see no option but to strike. In case of snakebite, remain where you are and alert the next athlete to seek immediate help.

This is an endurance event, where a spirit of mutual assistance will benefit all. No amount of planning can adequately protect a 150 kilometre course through bushland, and many sections are without medical personnel or marshals for several kilometres. If you encounter another athlete in difficulty, please stop to ascertain their condition and lend assistance where possible, and be sure to report the situation to the next marshal you see. The reward of helping another in need will outlast that of reaching the finish line.

Swim caps are compulsory in all three swims, and wet suits are strongly recommended. Swim caps will be provided at Registration for individuals and all Team swimmers. Average water temperature in the lakes at this time of year is 16C - 20C degrees.

Particular care must be taken by individual athletes before and during the second and third swims, as leg muscles tend to cramp in the water after extended use. Take time at the transitions to replenish with electrolytes and fuel, and allow your heart rate to diminish. Thoroughly stretch all leg muscles before entering the water. Race officials have the responsibility to prevent you from entering the water if they feel you are distressed or overly fatigued. Once in the water, keep your legs moving as much as possible, to encourage blood flow. In case of cramping, signal to the nearest craft. You may rest on the craft as long as you need, or on dry land if close enough. It is advisable to practise your run/swim transitions in advance. Be sure to drink at the Commonwealth Place water station during the Lake Burley Griffin swim.

A reminder that this event operates under Triathlon Australia Race Competition Rules (TA RCR).
The Technical Delegate, following consultation with the Medical Director or Event Organiser, may amend the wetsuit determination temperatures for competitor safety reasons.

Water temperature is not the only determinant – air temperature is also considered. This is calculated when the water temperature is lower than 22°C and the air temperature is lower than 15°C. In this case the adjusted value is to decrease the measured water temperature according to the chart in Rule 2 in the TA RCR.

The air temperature at the start of each swim will be taken into account when determining whether wetsuits are allowed OR must be worn.
In November the mornings can still be quite chilly in Canberra, and water temperatures can be cool, so please remember to bring your wetsuit to the start of each swim. If wetsuits are made mandatory on the day anyone not wearing a wetsuit may be subject to disqualification from the race.

Road bikes, gravel bikes and cyclo-cross bikes are not permitted to be used in this event. Aero bars are also forbidden to be used. This is in the interest of safety for all competitors.

All times listed are in 24-hour clock time according to Eastern Daylight Savings Time, which assumes that the race commences with the start of the Solo competitors at 0530.

Swim 1 - 0700 Swim 2 - 1325 Swim 3 - 1805
MTB 1 - 0950 MTB 2 - 1630 MTB 3 - 2015
Run 1 - 1150 Run 2 - 1745 Run 3 - 2200

After these times, there will be no marshals, checkpoints or aid stations on the course, and split times will not be recorded.

Individuals: The only cut-off time which will be strictly enforced is the cut-off at the end of the third swim course. Any athlete who has not started the third mountain bike leg by 1805, will not be allowed to continue. Any athlete starting the final run leg after 1930 must be accompanied by his or her helper with a torch. A sweeper will follow the backmarker throughout the course in a canoe, on a mountain bike, and on foot.

Teams: In the event that a team member fails to complete his or her leg before the designated cut-off time, another team member will be allowed to start the next leg at that time. In this case, the team will be permitted to proceed, and all ensuing team members' split times will be recorded, but the team will be recorded as a DNF, ineligible for any awards.

The race finish and communications HQ is at the YMCA Sailing Club, on Alexandrina Drive at Yarralumla Bay. Updates on competitor positions will be posted here throughout the day, and hot food and drinks will be served to athletes only. Hot showers are available, so remember to bring a towel and soap with a fresh change of clothes.

Family members, helpers and supporters are welcome to purchase a meal ticket for the finish buffet, which is complimentary for all competitors with a race number. From 4.30pm the buffet will offer a meal and dessert for $10. Vouchers for the buffet can be prebooked. To ensure all can be catered for, please book and purchase your buffet vouchers prior to the event.

Awards will be presented to all individuals who complete the course; the first three all-male, all-female and mixed teams of 3; and the first three all-male, all-female and mixed teams of 4 - 9 members.

Full results, including split times, will be available on this website the following day after the race.

As Canberra's natural and urban landscape is continually evolving, each year there are usually some course changes.  Continue to watch this space for updates, and see course descriptions for full details.

Short of going up in a balloon, the Triple-Tri course offers the best aerial views of Canberra available. Check any of the following vantage points for stunning vistas...

1. Mt Majura (1st run course) 888m
2. Mt Taylor (2nd run course) 855m
3. Mt Ainslie (1st run course) 843m
4. Mt Stanley (3rd MTB course) 841m
5. Black Mountain (1st MTB course) 812m
6. Mt Wanniassa (3rd MTB course) 809m
7. Sheaffe Trig (3rd MTB course) 793m
8. Mt Stromlo (2nd MTB course) 782m
9. Davidson Trig (3rd run course) 749m
10. Red Hill (3rd run course) 720m

Male Overall - 10:21:10, Rowan Beggs-French, 2017
Male Over 50 Overall - 11:56:04, David Baldwin, 2017
Female Overall - 11:01:00, Penny Slater, 2020
Female Over 50 Overall - 16:12:51, Beth Bowen, 2023

Leg Record Holder-Male Time Year Record Holder-Female Time Year
1st Swim Michael Brennan 16:56 2019 Deirdre Grace 20:55 1996
1st Bike Jason Chalker 1:37:22 2002 Jody Purcell 1:54:36 1998
1st Run Paul Smith 1:28:19 1998 Penny Slater 1:46:00 2020
2nd Swim Jason Chalker 47:49 2002 Shannon Proffit 51:11 2013
2nd Bike Rowan Beggs-French 1:42:20 2017 Penny Slater 1:46:37 2020
2nd Run Paul Smith 53:01 1997 Julie Quinn 1:01:53 2013
3rd Swim Michael Brennan 17:15 2019 Deirdre Grace 18:50 1996
3rd Bike Rowan Beggs-French 1:15:31 2017 Penny Slater 1:21:22 2022
3rd Run Adam Rudgley 1:06:51 2021 Julie Quinn 1:12:24 2017
Category Time Name Year
T3 Open 8:09:10 Aspire (Oliver Bourne, Dylan Cooper, Vajin Armstrong) 2012
T3 Open All Over 50 10:13:33 Shoklo's Nifty Fifty M50 MkII (Pete Thorley, Martin McGready, Jeff Grey) 2020
T3 Open All Over 60 12:45:45 Rad's Rusties 2011
T3 Female 10:18:37 Powerpuff Girls (Brooke James, Michaela Watts, Sarah Richardson) 2012
T3 Female All Over 50 13:06:54 Nifty Fifty (Rose McGready, Amanda Nott, Elizabeth Bennett) 2015
T3 Female All Over 60 15:02:15 Swinging Sixties 2009
T3 Mixed 9:07:03 The Wrong Trousers 2002
T3 Mixed All Over 50 10:26:35 Shoklo's Nifty Fifty (Rose McGready, Martin McGready, Jeff Grey) 2017
T9 Open 8:14:34 The Team With No Name 2004
T9 Open All Over 50 9:47:56 Old Hacks (Alex Gosman, Trevor Jacobs, Peter James, Simon Claringbold, Peter Clarke, Rico Fitch, Peter Klein) 2012
T9 Open All Over 60 11:15:00 Old Hack Remnants Mark II (Alex Gosman, Peter Igoe-Taylor, Trevor Jacobs, Peter Clarke, Nathan Carroll) 2018
T9 Open All Over 70 15:02:35 Rad's Rusties 2010
T9 Female 10:16:16 Team Loser Shoes (Kylie Message, Kate Vandenberg, Elizabeth Humphries, Kym Somi, Alex Orme, Aimee Davenport, Elise Burriss, Alice Bates) 2016
T9 Female All Over 50 11:23:21 GoGo Girls - The SlipStream Team 2011
T9 Female All Over 60 12:38:54 Go Go Girls – The (B)old and the Beautiful (Magaret Hadfield, Annie Broadbent, Clare Wall, Helen Douglass, Peggy Douglass, Cathy Montalto, Elspeth Nichols, Jeannie Douglass, Robyn McClelland) 2019
T9 Female All Over 70 15:25:09 Super 70s (Lindy Dunn, Ann Ingwersen, Sue Archer, Brenda Day, Rae Palmer, Diana Schneider, Lindy Dunn Carol Taylor, Carol Baird) 2019
T9 Mixed 8:13:51 Under the Radar (Emma Gillingham, Matt McAuliffe, Craig Benson, Jay Vine, Martin Dent, David Medlock, Jasen Higuchi) 2016
T9 Mixed All Over 50 10:18:29 Not Over the Hill Yet (Jill Pettifer, Martin McGready, Terry Withers, Richard Haines, Jeff Grey) 2018
T9 Mixed All Over 60 13:49:57 Thorns n Roses (Sue Bowden, David Baussman, David Webster, Petrina Quinn, George Kubitzky, Caroline Campbell, John Kennedy, Graeme Patrick, Ruth Baussman) 2019

Fastest Splits

Leg Record Holder-Male Time Year Record Holder-Female Time Year
1st Swim David O'Brien 18:11 1996 Jessica Traficante 19:58 2011
1st Bike David Osmond 1:24:24 1998 Katherine Hosking 1:44:06 2024
1st Run Martin Dent 1:11:11 2018 Emma Murray 1:22:15 2005
2nd Swim Haydn Marsh 36:27 2003 Jacinta Essam 39:31 2023
2nd Bike Dylan Cooper and Jay Vine 1:22:32 2013 and 2017 Michelle Cooper 1:36:30 2017
2nd Run Martin Dent 37:43 2016 Emma Murray 45:43 2005
3rd Swim Jarrod Lee 13:37 2018 Sofia Szymanski 15:06 2023
3rd Bike David Medlock 59:33 2019 Melanie Simpson 1:11:58 2011
3rd Run Martin Dent 44:45 2015 Zoe Clarke 54:25 2021



The Course

Swimming in three separate lakes, climbing and descending ten peaks, the 150-kilometre Triple-Tri course is an exhilarating exploration of Canberra from every conceivable angle.

Click on a leg to view a course description and map.

Leg 1: Swim 1.5 km
Leg 2: Mountain Bike 36 km
Leg 3: Run 18 km
Leg 4: Swim 3.5 km
Leg 5: Mountain Bike 36 km
Leg 6: Run 11 km
Leg 7: Swim 1.2 km
Leg 8: Mountain Bike 23 km
Leg 9: Run 13 km

Story Archive

Share your stories and photos! The Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon inspires thousands of personal stories. Part of the joy of the event is in sharing these stories. Please submit your experiences and photos to "Triple-Triathlon Stories," at [email protected]

Select from the following stories to sample a few of the experiences and adventures to be had out and about in the National Capital, in one of the most challenging events to be found anywhere.

Triple-Triathlon Solo Male Finisher's Report 2021, by Joe Walshe
Triple-Triathlon Solo Male Finisher's Report 2018, by Kevin Miller
Triple-Triathlon Solo Male Finisher's report 2017, by Andrew Renwick
Triple-Triathlon Solo Male Winner's report 2017, by Rowan Beggs-French
Triple-Triathlon Winning Mixed 3 Team photo-report 2016, by Steve Hanley
Triple-Triathlon Solo Report 2015, by Rowan Beggs-French
Triple-Triathlon Solo 2015, by Warren Evans
Triple-Triathlon Team Report and Photos 2015 "Where's Our Swimmer", by Steve Hanley
Triple-Triathlon Team Report 2015 "HMAS Friendship", by Murray Robertson
Triple-Triathlon Race Report 2013, by Craig Benson
Triple-Triathlon Race Report 2013, by Shannon Proffit
Triple-Triathlon 2011 Report (pdf), by Andrew Renwick
Triple-Triathlon 2011, by Sukhajata Cranfield
Triple-Triathlon 2009 Report, by solo competitor Andrew Renwick
Triple-Triathlon 2009 Supporter's Photo-Report, by Steve Hanley (external link)
Triple-Triathlon 2007 Report, by Steve Hanley (external link)
Triple-Triathlon 2007 Report, by Andrew Renwick
Triple-Triathlon 2006 Report, by Steve Hanley (external link)
Triple-Triathlon 2005 Report, by James Sullivan
Triple-Triathlon 2005 Report, by Julie Quinn
Triple-Triathlon 2005 Report, by Trevor Fairhurst
Triple-Triathlon 2005 Report, by Steve Hanley (external link)
Sharky's Triple-Tri Report '04, by Mark "Sharky" Smoothy
Triple-Tri Report '04, by Geoffrey Pell
Triple-Triathlon 2004 Report, by Steve Hanley (external link)
Sharky's Triple-Tri Report '03, by Mark "Sharky" Smoothy
Through the Wind, the Rain and the Cold: Triple-Tri '03, by Steve Nightingale
Triple Tri Obsession! by Rob Marshall
Thanks to the Bilbys, by Martin Stiles
'02 Triple-Tri Report, by Michael Kerr
'98 Triple-Tri Report, by Paul Smith
The 1996 Triple-Triathlon, by Mark Hutchings

Previous Results

  • 2024 Nov 10th
    Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon, Canberra, Sunday 10 November 2024


    The solo athletes are the cream of the Triple-Triathlon community. Far fewer in number, their contributions to the heroic ethos and grandeur of the Triple-Tri are the richest and deepest of all. From the sidelines, we can only offer our awed admiration, respect and gratitude for their fathomless sacrifice, mountainous dedication and glowing inspiration.

    The only solo finisher to have completed the race previously, Aston Duncan won the Male 50 and Over in 12:36:35, one of the fastest ever finish times in this category. Aston’s victory was all the sweeter and more complete, scaling the Triple-Tri peak afresh after an extremely challenging race experience in 2023 saw his withdrawal on that occasion. Not only did he return, he came back wiser, stronger and faster than ever. Bravo Aston!

    The other 3 finishers were all first-time solo entrants; each a unique journey, each a unique personal triumph. Glen Sturesteps executed a perfect race, especially for a first-timer, a clear focus radiating calm and control through each leg of the journey. His outright win in 11:50:03 is one of the best first-time finishing times, and a tremendous reward for many months of preparation, discipline and daring to dream.

    Kevin Archbold’s finish of 13:57:32 was a massive effort of guts, courage and willpower, fuelling a tremendous innate athletic capacity. The jubilation of his supporters at the finish line was palpable, matching his sheer relief at the completion of his personal Odyssey.

    Karl Hulin was steadfastly cheerful, a steady-burning fuse powering his way through the lakes, up and over the hills and along the straightaways to a finish line of glory and immense satisfaction, in 14:28:14. Each solo athlete was naturally immensely grateful to their helpers and family, without whose support and encouragement, none could ever dream of completing such a monumental task.

    TEAMS OF 3

    “Stuffed Puffs” are indisputably the best-performed team in Triple-Tri history. Though the team’s membership has undergone a few modifications along with its name, in one form or another, this truly elite clique has never failed to make the podium, and numerous times has taken the top spot outright. And so it proved today, the trio of Ben Buchler, Adrian Sheppard and Dave Osmond claiming not only 1st T3 Open, but also 1st team outright once more with their exceptional outing of 9:38:36. Kudos!

    The next 5 teams across the line were all from the more populous T4-9s, then followed 2nd placed T3 Open, “Dobbys Delinquents” (Murray Robertson, Thomas Brazier and Alex Birch) in 10:29:41, with “This Escalated Quickly” (Chris Moore, Andrew Noordhoff and Peter Hepworth) following not far behind in 10:40:14.

    “Tri-ceratops” (Patrick Kluth, Steve Fitchett and Ben Crabb) exuded class in easily winning the T3 Open (All over 50) division in 11:07:01, for 15th team outright.

    The T3 All-Female division was won by the redoubtable “Force de Femme” (Kate Celese, Sue Moore and Meghan Kenny) in 15:09:45, proving the age-old adage, that “you’ve got to be in it, to win it!”

    The ensemble of Veronique Wong Kai, Raymond McAleer and Samuel McNamara, “Well Tri” proved best in the T3 Mixed, winning in 11:28:10 from “Couples Therapy” (Caitlin Chandler and husband Nicholas Gailer swapping legs throughout the day) in 12:04:24, and 3rd placed “Keep it in the family plus 1” (Aimee McLaren, Malachi Ayton and Damien Carter) with 14:22:47. Meanwhile, Triple-Tri stalwarts “Tri IP” (Ross Hamilton, Leanne Haupt and Graham Atkins) took out the T3 Mixed (All Over 50) division in 12:06:01.

    TEAMS OF 4-9

    This year saw a substantial increase in participation in the Teams of 4-9 – accounting for 57 of the 74 teams involved – which translated into considerably more excitement around the transition areas as the day’s many sagas unfolded in parallel.

    The most competitive T9 Open category saw the lead changing several times between the top 3 teams, with “Not All Who Wander are Lost” (Craig Benson, Trent Cooper, Matthew Van Arkel, Lauren Stumpf, Mackenzie Edwardson, Daniel Carson and Jac Pascoe) ultimately prevailing with an impressive 9:43:44, seeing off the many threats of “Triple Threat” (Martin Jewell, James Charlesworth, Ben Seaman, Steven Boyt, Jared Greenville, Alexander Skeffington, Gerard Walsh and Isaac Hogan) who followed a few minutes later in 9:51:50. The other team which held the lead after the 2nd bike leg, Goulburn’s pride “Giant 440 Woodys 4Pete” (Rod Smith, Andy Cartwright, Jaemin Frazer, Andy Dawes, Andrew Oberg, Keeto Muscat, Lori and Rod McWhirter and Stefan Hese) crossed in 3rd with  a splendid 10:12:40.

    Another Goulburn ensemble, “Buzz Lightyears Over 50s” (Ted Goad, Kerry Baxter, Bretto Storrier, Mark Stutchbury, David Medlock, Rodney Smith, Andrew Dawes and Mel Goad) prevailed in the T9 Open (All Over 50) with 11:15:39; while the T9 (All Over 60) was won by the impressive “Last Men Standing 2024” (Alex Gosman, Peter Igoe-Taylor, Trevor Jacobs, Peter Clarke and Kim Houghton) – who were far from the last men standing – in 13:21:57.

    The youthful “4 Tay Tay” (Eliza Lawton, Amelie Burrell, Sanda Halpin, Mia Kluth and Monique Jeacocke) were the fastest among the T9 All Female teams, winning in a slick 10:48:51. Next home was “The Courageous Crew Take 2” (Rebecca Lannin, Katherine Hosking, Lisa Krakowiak, Rosie Hurt, Kate Pennington and Bridie Harders) – whose time was tremendously aided by a super new course record by Katherine Hosking for the 1st mountain bike leg of 1:44:06, a benchmark which had stood for 22 years!

    “Spring Chickens” (Susie Kluth, Cristy Henderson, Kaori Ikeda, Cheryl Hutchens and Lucy Hannah), completed the podium placings with 12:03:59, despite having to reconfigure their team on the day, with the enforced absence of a crucial member.

    In the T9 Mixed, “Results Racing” (Fredericke Stock, Matthew Shadwell, Doug Rutherford, Michelle Welch, Stephen Alegria, John and Anna McPherson, Robert Joford and David Liddle) finished ahead of the pack and 4th outright, the final team in the rarefied atmosphere of sub-10 hours, with 9:58:05. Next was “Not All Who Wander Are Lost 2” (Marcus Laudenbach, Brendan Hancox, Thien Vuong, Carolyn Mclaren, Calvin Coombs, Jono Windsor, Amber Collins and Lili Mooney) with 10:14:28; while another reconfigured ensemble, “Pent-Up Energy” (Perry Blackmore, Richard Smyth, Fan Xiang, Emily Stacey and Glenn Paterson) claimed the 3rd spot with 10:45:35.

    This event cannot happen without the immense self-giving of innumerable volunteers across Canberra,  from pre-dawn to post-dark. Our boundless gratitude to each and every helper, supporter, server, volunteer, official, spectator and well-wisher – without you, we wouldn’t be here.

    Until next year, friends!

  • 2023 Nov 12th
    Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon, Canberra, 12 November 2023


    The Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon began as a concept, an idea to celebrate Canberra’s unique natural environment, inspired by its 3 lakes, and the possibility of joining them via Canberra’s wealth of tracks and trails through its bounty of bushland, forests and parkland. Yet for a concept to become a fully fledged event requires the participation and engagement of athletes; the planning, training, dreaming, scheming and execution of skills, effort, ambition and aspiration, and the transcendence of all manner of inner and outer hurdles, barriers and obstacles to reach the finish line. Athletes are the beating heart of every event; its living breath, aching cries and beaming smiles. Events help form and shape athletes; while some athletes shape the destiny of events.

    There is a such a symbiosis between Trevor Fairhurst and the Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon, each with a deep and abiding fondness for the other. Trevor’s humility, kindness, thoroughness and self-discipline are exactly the qualities this event calls for and brings forth; while the complexity, sheer magnitude and many-layered daunting difficulties of the event are clarion calls to Trevor’s impossibility-challenging, dauntless inner dragon-slayer.

    Trevor has won the solo Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon a record 5 times, and now stands as the first to win the race outright from the over 50s division (a feat matched a few hours later, by Beth Bowen) – his winning time, 13:27:55.

    By 10pm, most of the teams had left. But a small crowd remained, for this moment. Then a light came reflected off the water, the bobbing head torch of a runner in sight of the end. Beth Bowen came under the finish banner. Unable to speak and overcome by the day, she leaned on her thighs - the moment of completion too vivid and present to digest, the finish line too narrow to transition from the race to the victory. It took a moment, but she straightened and accepted her trophy and flowers – first place Solo Female Over 50 … EVER (and 1st place Solo Female outright). This historical moment established a new 50-59 women’s age group record of 16:12:51, and a new standard for all women to aspire to, and beyond. The numbers hold value in what they reflect – our efforts to stretch and open ourselves. Records and numbers change and fall, but experience is permanent. Our strength and capacity finally expressed, we step forward into new potential. Beth’s effort and expenditure is the inspiration behind such challenging events. We give everything we have, only to find and give something more.

    Joe Walshe completed his 3rd finish in 3 starts of the Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon since his debut in 2021, and has quickly established himself as an integral member of the Triple-Tri ‘inner circle’, earning just reward for his dedication with 1st place in the Male Under 50 category in 15:02:21.

    For anyone to finish in their first attempt at the Triple-Tri solo is a hugely impressive achievement. Newcomer Kurt Michl did just that, finishing exhausted but happy, in 16:01:32 – and almost promising he will be back next year.

    A very special mention to Michael Brennan, who despite carrying an injury into the event which would have led most to not event consider starting, led the race from the outset, to establish a new record for the longest time a solo athlete has been in the lead before being overtaken by a team – in this case, on the climb of Mt Stromlo, on leg 5, more than half way into the all-day race. Finding himself nauseous and continually vomiting from the early stages, Michael eventually withdrew after the second triathlon, to spend a night recovering in hospital.

    Aston Duncan is another Triple-Tri stalwart who is perfectly suited to this event, and who gives it all his heart and soul each year – but this time, found his body simply not cooperating and reluctantly withdrew after the Lake Tuggeranong swim for his first DNF in 35 years of racing. We know Aston will be back.

    TEAMS OF 3

    “JT Multisport Black” took the withdrawal of their gun swimmer on the eve of the race in their stride, finding an able replacement in Ash Lawson, to join with biker James Thorp and runner Tom Driscoll, to win the race outright in an impressive 9:35:30 and take out the T3 Mixed category. Tom was fastest outright in each of the 3 run legs, a mighty fine showing given that many runners on other teams were running just the one leg.

    2nd team home, the most consistent team in Triple-Tri history, “Stuff the Puffs” simply do not age, taking out the T3 Open category with a more-than-one-hour lead in 10:13:22. Joining Ben Buchler and Adrian Sheppard, runner/biker Dave Osmond has participated in every single edition of the Triple-Tri – now 26 finishes, and every one of them on the podium.

    Sam Reinhardt, Christy Henderson and Susie Kluth combined perfectly, mixing their legs between them to claim victory in the T3 All-Female category in 12:06:58, also winning their category by over one hour.

    T3 Open All Over 50 is these days often a competitive category, and sure enough, only a few minutes separated the top 2 contenders at the finish. “Tri IP” too the crown on this occasion – Craig Allot, Martin Handley and Ross Hamilton winning with 12:07:09, from “Team 157” (Andy Hogg, James Sullivan and Graham Atkins) coming through the finish in 12:15:17.

    Meanwhile, 2nd place in the T3 Open went to the consistent “3 Amigos” (Mark Mallinson, Anthony Butt and Thomas Allen) in 11:24:54; with 3rd going to “Matt and Ant”, the brothers duo of Anthony and Matt Dowle, with 12:34:28.

    Podium placings in the T3 All-Female were claimed by “Happy Go Lucky” (Sabrina Moir, Samantha Morley and Genevieve Hofman) in 13:23:44 for the silver medals; with bronze going to “Force de Femme” – Emma Inglis, Sue Moore and Meghan Kenny with 15:34:33.

    “Tri hards” – Jacinta Essam, Raymond McAleer and Samuel McNamara – were the 3rd fastest team of 3 and 2nd T3 Mixed in 10:46:36 – with swimmer Jacinta Essam blitzing the female record for the 2nd swim in a new best time of 39:31. 3rd place in the T3 Mixed was claimed in 11:22:31 by “Full Send”, the combination of Nicholas Gailer, Libby Adamson and Caitlin Chandler tilting the Mixed concept with 7 legs completed by female team members.

    TEAMS OF 4 – 9

    Breaking the magical 10 hour barrier, fastest team of 4-9 and winner of the T9 Open category, “Triple Threat” (James Pattison, James Charlesworth, Tom and Alexander Skeffington, Steven Boyt, Mark Gibson, Adam Kiss, Gerard Walsh and Isaac Hogan), were the 2nd fastest team outright behind “JT Multisport Black” in 9:59:25. The T9 Open certainly proved to be the most closely contested category, with 6 of the top 10 teams coming from this cohort. The gap between 2rd and 3rd was only 20 seconds, with “Not all those who wander are lost” (Louisa and Karl Hulin, Daniel Carson, Mackenzie Edwardson, Matthew Van Arkel, Amber Collins, Ben Cartwright and Jono Windsor) taking the silver medals in 10:14:10, just ahead of the 10:14:30 recorded by “Giant 440 Woodys for Pete” (Rod Smith, Michael Beard, Nathan and Jaemin Frazer, Andrew Dawes, Andrew Oberg, Stefan Hese, Lori and Rod McWhirter), the first of a record 5 Goulburn teams participating this year, most of whom went back with medals.

    Another Goulburn-managed ensemble, the “Buzz Lightyears Over 50” (Mark Stutchbury, David Medlock, Bretto Storrier, Gav Moroney, Rodney Smith, Andrew Dawes, Geoffrey McMahon and Ted Goad) claimed the main prize in the T9 Open All Over 50s with 13:48:17. In the T9 All Over 60s, the winning time of 13:48:17 belonged to “Last men standing” (Scott McClymont, Peter Igoe-Taylor, Trevor Jacobs, Alex Gosman and David Clarke), all true veterans of this race.

    A record percentage of female participants was reflected in the higher number of all-female teams this year. “Chai Tea Ladies” (Rebecca Lannin, Claire Aubrey, Ruth Patton, Niki Hale and Catherine Horan) didn’t sit around sipping chai all afternoon, as they were focussed on winning the All-Female T9 category in 12:18:16. 2nd place was claimed by “Tri sisters” (Kate Kiely, Monica Dalidowicz, Lesley Steel and Mary Sietsma) in 12:41:42, from 3rd “Goulburn Gals” (Joanne Lainson, Lori McWhirter, Ayla Roberts, Ellie Gundry, Mikaela Rose, Melinda Goad and Danielle Connell) with 13:27:35.

    Next team home were “FIT Actually” (Geraldine Cusack, Elizabeth Lowe, Nafrelle Patrick, Lesli Findlay, Helen Jeffs, Sarah Rainbow, Michelle Grech, MaryAnn Simpson and Elna Jennings), who took home the main prize in the All-Female All-Over 50 team awards in 13:31:36.

    “Resultz Racing” has always lived up to its name at the Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon , and delivered again today, yielding a 1st place finish in the Mixed T9s through its current members of Michelle Welch, Robert Mudford, David Liddle, Anna McPherson, Michael Reed, Philipp Loesel, Matt Shadwell and John McPherson, placing 6th outright, in 10:16:31. 2nd placed T9 Mixed was “JTM Gold” (Georgie Hicks, Myles Wood, Andrew Walton, Joseph Pascall, Stuart Gordon, Michael Mitchell and Kim Elms) in 10:52:37, ahead of 3rd placed “Adultz Racing” (Dominic Howard, Richard Smyth, Fan Xiang, David Clements, Megan Cahilll, Luke Barrett and Glen Patterson) with 11:08:48.



  • 2022 Nov 13th
    Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon, Sunday 13 November 2022

    The 25th Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon presented three remarkable records, each of them partly attributable to the weather.

    a) – it was the smallest field ever assembled for this epic event;

    b) – defying the multiplication of challenges posed by the weather on top of the already fearsome course, this small field achieved by far the highest ratio of finishers to non-finishes in the race’s history; and

    c) – the event wrapped up in the fastest recorded time, a mere 16 hours.

    On the one hand – knowing the sludgy condition of many of the tracks and trails after many months of sustained high rainfall in and around Canberra, and with high uncertainty surrounding swimming in any of the lakes due to fluctuating bacteria levels, many potential participants weighed the probabilities of a muddy slog-fest and/or weather-affected race day, and simply opted to forgo this year’s event.

    On the other hand – the smaller band that assembled at the start line, knowing full well what they were in for (further focussed by the forecast of 100% certainty of heavy downpours, flavoured with speculation of severe storms), were fired with exactly the fortitude and adamantine conviction required to pursue and endure what was always going to be an “interesting” and challenging day out.

    For the first time ever, every single solo entrant and every single relay team attended Saturday registration. For the first time ever, under ominous looming clouds, every single solo entrant and every single relay team fronted at the start line. For the first time ever, every single solo entrant, and all but one relay team, finished what turned out to be one of the toughest editions of one of the most gruelling races on the calendar. This race was created for exactly this field. This was a day for the few – the self-selected, brave, strong, determined, formidable and heroic few. And these few emerged, bedraggled yet aglow, as champions triumphant.

    The Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon is used to course modifications. The dynamic, constantly changing nature of the urban environment which is this event’s domain – with forests evolving into suburbs and even areas of lake becoming landscaped parkland – ensure there are alterations and deviations every year. Yet never before have we seen all areas of all 3 lakes completely closed to swimming for the 2 weeks prior to the event, requiring the preparations of multiple contingency plans for multiple potential scenarios, only resolving 2 days before the race when 2 of the lakes were opened to swimming, leaving only the Lake Tuggeranong swim in a pool. And never before have we been faced with such extensive and widespread areas morphing into bona fide swampland (yes, the final course was actually the “dry” option!!). With rangers from various areas of Canberra Nature Park updating concerns and requirements daily and almost hourly in the last days, the mountain bike and run courses saw 16 amendments in the final week alone. Despite all the changes, what emerged was not a compromise – we believe it was the best available route, offering all of the challenges, excitement, demand, opportunities and thrills that athletes expect from this famous outing.


    8 athletes might seem like a slim field – yet what this band lacked in numbers, they more than made up for in character and courage, every one (3 of them first-time Triple-Tri soloists) proving their strength, faith and unflappable tenacity over the course of a tumultuous day which seemed more like a lifetime.

    Remarkably, 4 soloists finished within an hour of each other. In the over 50s, 5-time Triple-Tri winner and King of the Course, Trevor Fairhurst found new ways to elicit our respect, admiration and amazed awe with his record-breaking 10th solo finish in 13:02:21. Ahead of Trevor was only Matthew Pooley, 1st placed soloist in 12:41:53, literally riding his strengths (his riding) to a mightily impressive, daring and hugely deserved first-time win. Next home was another first-time soloist, crowd favourite Ben Crabb, superbly assisted by his daughters, clocking 13:21:08. Just 4 minutes later, competing for the first time as a freshly-minted over 50, champion Canberra athlete Aston Duncan finished decked in mud and glory in 13:25:21. The duel between Ben and Aston was an engrossing sub-plot within the day’s drama, playing out across the pathways, waterways and sodden ways north and south, morning into afternoon into evening, with both finishing triumphant in so many ways.

    Joe Walshe is another local athlete with a loyal and enthusiastic following, finishing with a radiant smile of soul’s satisfaction in 14:11:38, well ahead of his previous best. Kel Rankin from Picton was next in 14:26:24, his third solo finish proving he is a winner under all conditions. Jon Schol is one of the Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon’s greatest supporters and champions, and at 59 years, its most senior finisher, crossing the line in a typically gutsy yet humble 15:52:28. Finally, most appropriately wearing race number 1, from Ballan in Victoria, having previously participated only in a relay team at this event, Martin Phillips won the hearts of all and fired our spirits with his wonderful display of sustained focus and commitment, reaching his goal in 15:58:39.


    “Stuffed Puffs” are the writers of Triple-Tri folklore, today continuing decades of dazzling dominance with their front-running 9:56:11. The trio of Dave Osmond, Adrian Sheppard and Ben Buchler were half an hour ahead of the following team (of 9) and nearly 1.5 hours in front of the next in their category, “3 Amigos” (Mark Mallinson,, Anthony Butt & Tom Allen) in 11:17:08. “Soli Deo Gloria” (Malcolm Pittendrig, James Oran & Joshua Lear) completed the podium placings for the Open Teams of 3 with 12:00:26.

    Several of the best-performing “Teams of 3” were actually Teams of 2! – the indefatigable “Algae and the Toxic Bloomers” (this year comprising the sprightly pairing of Rico Fitch (aged 70) and Simon Claringbold) took home the Open Team All over 60 title in 14:21:18.  Another impressive duo, “Maggie & Cate” (Caitlin Chandler and Maggie Welfare) came in just a few minutes later, to win the All-Female Teams of 3 in 14:34:17. And fastest among the Mixed Teams was the delightful and delighted couple of Kael & Louisa Hulin, claiming their victory in 13:07:04.


    The “Giant 440 Woodys – 4 Pete” (Rod Smith, Michael Beard, Nathan and Jaemin Frazer, Andrew Dawes, Andrew Oberg, Lori & Rod McWhirter and Stefan Hese) have established Goulburn as the city in the world housing the 2nd-most Triple-Triathlon trophies (after Canberra), this year extending their remarkable run of podium finishes with another victory in the Open Team of 4-9, in 10:24:50. Goulburn’s trophy share was extended further in the Open Teams (all Over 50) by the “Buzz Lightyears O’50’s” (Kerry Baxter, Mark Stutchbury, Brett Storrier, Rod Smith, Ted & Melinda Goad, Andrew Dawes and Geoffrey McMahon), cruising home in 12:31:16.

    Fastest All-Female Team of 4-9 was “No Nuts Just Guts” (Virginia Lindenmeyer, Rachel Dieckman, Prudence Guest, Carol Hartley, Caitlin Flux, Harriet Foster, Cath Spratley & Samantha Shields) in 14:19:45, while the All-Female Team All-Over 50 of “FIT and Fabulous” (Polly Templeton, Alison Purvis, Julie Alexander, Leeane Tennant, Helen Jeffs, Sarah Rainbow, Geraldine Cusack, Elizabeth Lowe & Narelle Patrick) completed the course in admirable time, only slightly missing one of the cut-offs along the way due to the enforced extension of the 1st mountain bike leg caused by the relocation of the 1st swim leg.

    10:30:58 was the winning mark for “Resultz Racing” (Seth Gloss, David Medlock, Lisa Krakowiak, Anna & John McPherson, Rob Mudford, Michelle Welch, Matthew Shadwell and David Liddle) in the Mixed Team of 4-9 category; with “Not All Those Who Wander are Lost” (Jono Windsor, Aaron Farlow, Thien Vuong, Josie Gillham, Samantha Morley, Daniel Carson and Ivonne Nathan) taking 2nd in 10:45:46; ahead of 3rd placed “JTM 1” (Talia Chambers, Oscar Starmer, Andrew Walton, Ashleigh Lawson, Jamie Bedford, Bronte Clifford, James Tuggey, Jason Lee and Georgie Hicks) with 10:56:12 (edging out “Justice, prudence, fortitude and temperance” for the bronze medal by a mere 20 seconds).

    “DrRMF” (Rose & Martin McGready, Chris Halliwell, Richard Haines, Jeff Grey and Sue Akeroyd) showed fine form to take out the Mixed Team of 4-9 (All Over 50) in 11:01:52. We are immensely proud of all the members of our Triple-Tri family, many of whom we only see once a year, returning from various places, occupations and callings to this special gathering. You may have noticed the “Shoklos” team of recent years gathered under the new monika “DrRFM” this time: we’re honoured to pay our humble tribute to the extraordinary selfless dedication of the team’s lead swimmer, Dr Rose McGready, supporting the wonderful people of Myanmar. Rose’s new foundation is inspiration in action: we wholeheartedly commend her cause.


    To stage a race of this magnitude under such intense conditions tosses up challenges and hardships not only to the participants and their helpers and supporters, but also to the organisers and volunteers. Not only did every single solo athlete and relay team front up on the day – so did every single volunteer, even to stand in an open field alone under an hours-long deluge! Words cannot convey our debt of gratitude to all who helped ensure this unforgettable race started … continued … continued to continue … and ultimately, finished. In no particular order, our thanks to: the rangers of Canberra Nature Park; staff and officers of the NCA, Stromlo Forest Park and the Public Land Use team; YMCA Sailing Club; Lake Burley Griffin and Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scouts; Steve Hanley; Triathlon ACT Race Referee Peter Simpfendorfer; staff of Lakeside Leisure Centre; our medical support team of Rebekah Stamatis and Matthew Sainsbury; course sweepers Caroline Werner, Gareth Prosser, Kim Houghton, Paul Mahoney, Peter Fogarty and Michael Brennan; volunteer marshal and aid station attendants Nic Bendeli, Petra Lean, Rachel Pell, Judi Barton, Judith Bibo, Wilma Huneke, Suzie Gunning, Margot Tredoux, Greg Gourley and Steve Bingley; the staff of My Rainbow-Dreams café; and Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team members from Canada, Latvia, Czech Republic, Mongolia, Auckland, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Torquay … and Canberra.

  • 2021 Nov 14th
    Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon, Sunday 14 November 2021


    Adam Rudgley entered this year’s Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon with the goal to lower the Solo Male course record. Notwithstanding that he had to bike an extra 3km after the last-minute course change to the 1st swim leg; putting aside the horrendous conditions that 25-year veterans of the Triple-Tri described as the worst ever encountered in this race and almost caused the cancellation of several legs if not the whole event; oblivious to his almost-4 hour lead on his nearest rival in the field…

    … at the start of the final run leg, Adam would have known that he would need to run a full 6 minutes faster over that challenging 13 km than any solo athlete has ever managed – surely an impossible task – and still he went for it. As the kms clicked by and the goal dissolved in the rain and flew away in the wind, with a body and mind aching from over 10 hours of utter exertion and legs screaming to ease the pace, he pressed on harder, all the way to the line. That he missed his goal by a mere 3 minutes, yet shattered the record for the final run leg (now 1:06:51) in his dauntless quest are mere facts, footnotes to a truly heroic performance of jaw-dropping athletic prowess, unwavering mental strength and fire-pure courage. 10:24:19!

    Enjoying a 30-minute head start on the relay teams, solo athletes usually start being passed by teams towards the end of the 1st bike and during the Mt Majura – Mt Ainslie run leg. Unbelievably, Adam was not passed by the fastest team until midway through the Mt Stromlo bike leg, and no-one else caught him until the final run over Red Hill!

    We sincerely hope Adam will return to race again when the course is not unduly extended and the weather less hostile. In a lovely coincidence, the holder of the legendary Solo Male record, Rowan Beggs-French (10:21:10 from 2017), was running two of the run legs for the T9 Mixed-winning “Fireflies” team and got to run with Adam for a while during the race. At the finish, Rowan stated his belief that Adam’s effort today would have earned him a sub-10 hour time under ‘normal’ conditions.

    Each of the other solo finishers deserves a song in his honour, praising the unique attributes and qualities that enabled him to reach that fabled finish line on what was outwardly a wretched day, yet inwardly a stage of utmost glory. Paul Amidy (14:17:55) and Joseph Walshe (14:54:05) filled out the Solo Male Under 50 podium placings – both utterly exhausted yet rightly supremely satisfied with their efforts.

    Trevor Fairhurst has won this race solo more times than any other – 5 times – and now adds the Solo Male 50 and Over title to his peerless Triple-Tri resumé. On paper, Trevor’s time of 14:26:45 doesn’t tell any part of the true story of this monumental achievement. Ross Beatty (15:09:43) – a 5-time finisher of the race – was thrilled to beat his own time from his first Triple-Tri finish, 21 years earlier; while Craig Johnston (15:19:37) finished strongly to notch another superb achievement. Notably, as many over 50 finished, as under 50.

    In the battlefield which was today, it was inevitable some would be forced to withdraw from the fray in the course of the day. Each did the right and wise thing when confronted with such an irrevocable STOP sign – and each knows, that the field will be re-set, and the bugle will sound once more in the pre-dawn glow, 12 months hence…


    The teams of 3 traditionally see the fastest and fiercest racing of the Sri Chinmoy Triple-Triathlon, with several teams etching legends spanning decades of high-octane competition. Callum McClusky, Conor Sproule and Nuru Somi banded together to bring a new combination and fire a new name into the Triple-Tri firmament – their “T3C Dream Team” living up to their moniker with an outstanding, lead-from-the-front showing of 9:13:48, taking line honours and 1st place in the T3 Open division. Dave Osmond – who famously completed all 60 bike legs of the first 20 Triple-Triathlons – showed his versatility and completed 3 legs without getting on a bike today (2 runs and one swim), leading his revamped “Stuff the Puffs” (with Ben Buchler and Adrian Sheppard) to 2nd in the T3 Open with 10:06:57; ahead of 3rd placed “3 Amigos” (Mark Mallinson, Anthony Butt and Tom Allen) with 11:36:15. “The Margaritas” (Damien McDonald, Martyn Dawson and Piera Kohout) competed in the T3 Open All-Over 50 – though they could have entered the Mixed category with Piera completing all 3 running legs – and took out the main prize with an impressive 13:47:03.

    The only All-Female team of 3 happened to be all over 50, and duly won that category: “Too old for new tricks” saw Bron Adams melding with Kerrie Muir and Beth Bowen, displaying a fantastic attitude and example to all throughout the day. Although they were the only team in their category it’s hard to imagine any other ensemble challenging their outstanding finish of 13:14:18.

    The Mixed Teams of 3 were led home by “ARA” (Ashleigh Webb, Raymond McAleer and Alexander Carrick) in 11:18:27. 2nd place went to “16s” (Molly Lilley, Josh Kluth and Jacob Miller), in 12:16:55; while 3rd was taken by “S.A.M.” (Stuart Godley, Andy Bodsworth and Marnie Shaw) with 12:22:20.

    THE TEAMS OF 4-9

    The most competitive racing of today came in the Mixed Teams of 4-9. Losing their runner the day before the race, and switching from T3 to T9 proved no setback for “Fireflies” (Felicity Roantree, Steve Fitchett linking up with newly conscripted runners Paul Cuthbert and Rowan Begs-French), taking the main T9 Mixed prize and 2nd-across-the-line overall in 9:49:52. Next home were the impressive “JTM Team 1” (Jordynne Rauter, Oscar Starmer, Tom Driscoll, Josephine Pepper, Grave Hoitink, Myles Wood, Matthew Millikin, Jarrod Osborne and Andrew Walton) in 10:05:49; ahead of a fine showing from “The 5 appendages” (Perry Blackmore, Claire Aubrey, Travis Ey, Richard Smyth and Emily Stacey) in 10:26:10. A few years ahead on the dial, “GO GOs get some guys” saw our favourite all-female ensemble, the “Go-Go Girls” finally allowed 2 male members into their exclusive club –  Elspeth Nichols, David Baussman, Pam Muston, George Kubitzky, Clare Wall, Belinda Robinson and Sue Archer winning the T9 Mixed All Over 60s, and breaking the 14-hour barrier in the process, with a superb 13:59:59!

    “Devils” were too hot in the All-Female Teams of 4-9, the collection of Meredith Bone, Olivia Martin, Allie Corripio, Elizabeth Mutton, Emma De Kiefte, Ally Durr and Lauren Yee winning in 12:17:56.  The 2nd place award was presented to “30 percent less pay 130 percent more ability” (Becky Rogers, Chantelle Bertoldo, Ainsley Pahljina, Liv Toomey, Ebony Tanzen, Mirella Carr, Hannah Maree, Emma Ferguson and Ellie Barr) – even though the team shows up as “DNC” (did not complete) in the published results, this was because their rider on MTB3, Emma Ferguson stopped to render assistance to another rider who had crashed on the course, actions which the organisers felt did not warrant an official DNQ and deserved the recognition of the 2nd placing the team would certainly otherwise have claimed; while 3rd was claimed by “No Nuts Just Guts” (Virginia Lindenmayer, Sophie Clement, Caitlin Flux, Prudence Guest, Taisa Vieira, Samantha Shields, Catherine Spratley, Carol Hartley and Bridget Quayle) in 14:30:14. The All-Female T4-9 All Over 50 was taken out by “Purple Jelly” (Polly Templeton, Simone Annis, Judy Gebhart, Rosemary Robinson, Elizabeth Lowe, Cat Riley, Geraldine Cusack and Sue Duckett) with 15:48:11.

    The Open Teams of 4-9 saw another superb all-round effort from one of the most consistently high performing teams in Triple-Tri history, the Goulburn gang of “Giant 400 Woodys 4Pete” (Rod Smith, Michael Beard, Nathan Frazer, Andrew Dawes, Andrew Oberg, Jaemin Frazer, Lori McWhirter, Rod McWhirter and Stefan Hese) taking out the main prize in 10:31:59. 2nd place went to “Team Keeping It Real” (Janelle Ahern, Josh Wilkinson, Alexander Bowyer, Pete Quinn, Michael Olsen, Steve Roberton, Anthony Ansen and Ben Roberton) in 10:57:19; just edging out 3rd placed “”JTM Team 2” (Alexandra Apse, Jason Flanagan, Jarrod Osbourne, Joseph Pascali, Douglas Wynne, Rob Moore, Steve Croft and Olivia Sutton) with a fine 10:58:26.

    In the T4-9 Open All Over 50s, “Cruis’n” (Scott McClymont, Marty McGready, Geoff Hawke, Peter Thorley, John Cartwright, Terry Dixon, Frank Zeller and Jeff Grey) lived up to their name to take the title with an impressive 11:36:40; from their contenders, “Buzz Lightyears O’50s” (Mark Stutchbury, Kerry Baxter, Brett Storrier, Rod Smith, Ted Goad, Andrew Dawes, Geoffrey McMahon and Melinda Goad) clocking in at 12:05:27. “The Ancient Mariners” (Alex Gosman, Peter Igoe-Taylor, Trevor Jacobs, David Clarke and Kim Houghton) showed many a younger team a clean pair of heels in waltzing away with the T4-9 All Over 60s title in 12:55:43.


    As an indication of how tough the conditions were: in 25 years, this is the first edition of the race in which no overall record was broken in any team category or division. Special mention though, to Zoe Clarke who ignored the wind and rain to break the record for a female in a team for the final run leg, setting a new best time of 54:25 for “Astral by 3TC”.

    We’ve saved particular mention of the weather till last – for while the wind, rain and unrelenting cold (even some sleet) set a dismal stage, it was not allowed to write the script or dictate the plot. While the weather made this an event none of us will forget in a hurry, it could not have the final say on the day. The final say came from within; the final say came from the overwhelming determination, courage and fortitude of all participants, volunteers and supporters to proceed with cheerful willpower in the face of whatever obstacles and setbacks appeared along the way.

    Our congratulations to all participants, and gratitude to all the many helpers, volunteers, supporters and well-wishers. Special thanks to Peter Simpfendorfer and Petra Lean from Triathlon ACT; to Rebekah Stamatis and her assistants for medical support; to staff and officers from the ACT Government and NCA; to paddlers from Canberra Canoe Club and on-water support from YMCA Sailing Club; and to members of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team from the UK, Mongolia, New Zealand and Australia.