Sri Chinmoy Canberra Trail 100
Explore the natural heart of Canberra, on foot – solo or in relay
About the event
Canberra has some of the best trails of any city in the world. This unique run is a celebration of our "Natural Capital" – part adventure, part scenic tour and part epic endurance challenge.
The journey wends through the hills, nature parks and open spaces of central, south and north Canberra, describing a wide loop starting and finishing at Rond Terrace, at the foot of Anzac Parade on Lake Burley Griffin in the Parliamentary Triangle.
Why not have it all? – this run combines the exhilarating immersion in Nature of a genuine trail race, with the convenience, safety and proximity to city services of an urban environment. Come and experience why so many runners choose to live and train in Canberra year-round.
Runners can challenge themselves to attain the glory of completing the entire 100km solo; or else join with friends or colleagues to cover the distance in a relay team of 2 – 4 members.
Sri Chinmoy Canberra Trail 100 2020 Video
The special 2020 edition saw a bounty of course records fall across the solo and relay teams categories
100 km
Start time
- 6:00am for solo runners
- 6:30am for relay teams
- Till 7pm, 3 July – $160 Solos, $200 Teams
- After 7pm, 3 July – $200 Solos, $240 Teams
- ALL Entries close at 6pm on Thursday 31 July
Prachar Stegemann

Award categories
- Medals for all solo finishers
- Trophies for top placegetters in solo categories
- Trophies for 1st 3 teams in each category
The route
Starting and finishing at The Rond Terraces, the route explores central Lake Burley Griffin, Parliament House, Red Hill, Isaacs Ridge, Farrer Ridge, Mt Taylor, Mt Arawang, Cooleman Ridge, Stromlo Forest Park, the National Arboretum, Cork Oaks, Black Mountain Reserve, Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie.
The full course takes in most of the significant sights of Canberra.
View the whole course, the whole-course Garmin navigable map, the whole-course Elevation Profile, and download the whole course gpx file.
Download and print complete course descriptions, gpx files and detailed maps for each leg.
Event Information
- Registration
- Team replacements
- Helpers/Pacers
- Start and finish
- Number checkpoints
- Withdrawals
- Transitions & Aid Stations
- Mandatory Equipment
- Care in Nature Parks
- Road crossings & cycle paths
- Show Respect for Horses
- Participant waivers
- Contingency plans
- Safety & Emergency Procedures
- Course cut-off times
- Finish & Awards Ceremony
- Ten Highest Moments
- Course records
For all pre-entered Solo Athletes and Relay Teams, compulsory registration will be between 1pm and 4pm, Saturday 2 August at "My Rainbow-Dreams" café, Dickson Place, Dickson (opposite the Post Office). This will also the final opportunity to lodge late entries (pending the discretion of the event organisers).
If you have made changes to the composition or order of your team, you will need to have these recorded at Registration. You will also sign a waiver form, collect race number bibs and a race belt (for teams), and receive information on any last-minute course alterations.
Not all team members need to attend registration – as long as the person attending is able to deliver the race number belt and bib to the 1st relay member prior to the start on Sunday morning!
Replacement of team members is allowed, provided the replacement does not alter the category of the team (eg all-female to mixed). Replacement members must sign a waiver form at Registration. Also at Registration, names are to be confirmed for each member doing each leg. Changes to this schedule will be permitted on the day, provided transition marshals are informed of the change in advance of the leg concerned.
Solo Runners- Every Solo Runner who will be commencing the final leg of the race after 4:30pm, must provide his or her own helper/pacer OR must run with another competitor for this leg. Each helper/pacer may only be responsible for one runner. Helpers may provide assistance of any kind anywhere on the course, with the exception of pacing during the first three legs (ie running with the athlete for more than 30 seconds), or physically assisting the runner to move in a forward direction (ie pushing or towing the athlete). Helpers may accompany the runner during leg 4, whether they start prior to 4.30pm or not. Helpers may touch the runner as long as he or she is stationary, and may assist with clothing, equipment, food & drinks, as well as motivational, inspirational and directional advice. Helpers may not interfere with or impede the progress of any other competitor. To do so will incur the disqualification of the helper's runner, even if he or she has no part in such interference. The helper/pacer – with mobile phone, headlamp or flashlight – must accompany every solo runner commencing the final leg after 4:30pm.
Relay Teams - Teams must provide their own assistance and transport, which must be limited to a maximum of two (2) vehicles. Only members of a team can provide assistance to a team member in the course of the event. All other conditions are the same as apply to the solo runners' helpers. Any team member impeding or interfering with the progress of any other competitor or team will incur the disqualification of his or her entire team.
The race will start in two waves, from the grassy bank at The Rond Terrace (off Parkes Way, at the southern end of Anzac Parade).
Solo Runners will start at 6:00am. Relay Teams will depart at 6:30am.
Please assemble near the start for final check-in fifteen minutes prior to your start time. Final briefing will commence five minutes before the start time for both Solo Runners and Relay Teams. The race finishes where it began – on the grassy bank at Rond Terrace.
Upon the completion of each relay leg, it is the runner's responsibility to ensure that his or her number has been recorded by the timekeepers, before tagging the next runner (for Relay Teams) or proceeding to the next leg (for Solo Runners). Besides these transition compounds, there will be several number checkpoints on each relay leg. These will be marked with a sign, and attended by an official. It is the runner's responsibility to ensure that his or her number is recorded by the official. Failure to be recorded at a number checkpoint will incur a minimum time penalty of 30 minutes. Locals will be aware of many potential short-cuts, but should remember that to take a short-cut may mean missing a crucial number checkpoint!
Race numbers are recorded at number checkpoints and relay transition compounds throughout the race. Anyone whose number is not recorded within a reasonable time will become the object of a search (and, if necessary, rescue) mission. For this reason, any individual or team member choosing to withdraw from the event must inform, or have their helper inform either an Emergency Services marshal or a race official at an aid station or a relay transition compound.
In the event of a relay team member being unable to complete his or her leg, another team member may complete that leg on his or her behalf, provided race officials are informed of the details and circumstances before the replacement team member proceeds. The resulting split time for that leg will not be credited to any team member, and the team will not be eligible for awards. Otherwise, the team may choose to leave that leg uncompleted and another team member may start the following leg, commencing from the advertised cut-off time of the previous leg. In this case, the team will be allowed to proceed, and other team members' split times will be recorded, but the team will be recorded as a DNF, ineligible for awards.
Each Relay Team runner must check-in with officials at the transition 15 minutes prior to their anticipated start-time. The team-member completing the previous leg must complete his or her course and be recorded by officials before tagging the next runner, who is then free to depart.
There will be full aid station supplies at each relay transition point. These will include water, sports drink, fruit, sweets, First Aid kit, vaseline, sunscreen (all of which are available to competitors only), and either public toilets or Port-a-loo.
Access to transition compounds is restricted to race officials, Solo Runner's helpers, media and team members involved in the changeover.
Transition compounds will be at the following locations:
Leg 1 / Leg 2 - above the dead-end of Waldock St, Chifley, near the base of the north side of Mt Taylor.
Leg 2 / Leg 3 - grassy area at the end of Kirkpatrick St, Weston, alongside RSPCA.
Leg 3 / Leg 4 - grassy area adjacent to the intersection of Phillip Ave and Majura Ave, Dickson.
Aside from the transition compounds, there will be aid stations offering water, sports drink and sweets, approximately every 10 km along the course. It is compulsory for every Solo Runner to carry a minimum of 500 ml of water or sports drink – 750 ml to one litre is recommended.
Solo runners who wish to prepare drop-off bags with special drinks etc to be collected at the transition points must bring these, clearly labelled with their name, race number and transition number where they are to be collected, to Registration on Saturday, or else to the start at least 15 minutes prior to the race start.
In addition to the transition compounds, aid stations will be located at the following points:
Leg 1
a) Hindmarsh Dr tunnel, northern end – end of Hartigan St, Garran
b) Crossing of Athllon Dr
Leg 2
c) Corner of Eucumbene Dr and Hindmarsh Dr, Duffy
e) Crossing of Dave McInnes Drive
Leg 3
f) Car park near the base of Black Mountain, off Caswell Drive
g) Roundabout at Fairfax St and Dryandra St, O'Connor
Leg 4
h) Mt Majura summit
i) Campbell Park (base of Mt Ainslie)
j) Mt Ainslie summit
For safety, NO RUNNER may wear an iPod, radio or other listening device during the course of the event.
For Solo Runners: every solo runner must carry the following equipment with him or her for the entire event. This equipment will be checked prior to the start, and may be checked at other points along the course:
* Mobile phone
* Minimum of 500 ml of water or sports drink – it is recommended to carry 750 ml to one litre
* Every solo runner starting the final leg of the race after 4.30pm must carry a headlamp or torch
* Every solo runner starting the final leg of the race after 4.30pm must be accompanied by a helper/pacer (who must also carry a mobile phone and headlamp or flashlight) OR must run with another competitor for this leg
For Relay Team Runners: every relay team runner must carry the following equipment with him or her for their entire leg. This equipment will be checked prior to the start of each relay leg:
* Mobile phone
* Every relay team runner starting the final leg of the race after 4.30pm must carry a headlamp or flashlight
Most of the course of the Sri Chinmoy Canberra Trail 100 is within Canberra Nature Park, which includes Red Hill, Isaacs and Farrer Ridges, Mt Taylor, Mt Arawang, Cooleman Ridge, Black Mountain Reserve, Bruce and O'Connor Ridges, Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie – as well as through Stromlo Forest Park and the National Arboretum. We are very fortunate to have been granted permission to stage this event through these areas. The authorities of Access Canberra have been extremely cooperative and helpful.
However, please be aware that this event takes place in a public domain. We do not have exclusive use of any of these areas, all of which are used by many people on weekends. Please treat other users with courtesy, especially walkers.
ALL RUNNERS MUST GIVE WAY TO ALL TRAFFIC AT ALL ROAD CROSSINGS. While marshals will be stationed at major crossings, they will not be stopping traffic, but simply assisting you to make a safe crossing. Please be patient and cautious. In the context of an all-day event, a short delay at a road crossing may be used as an opportunity for a brief rest. Failure to give way at a road crossing, or failure to obey the instructions of a marshal at a road crossing, will result in immediate disqualification from the race.
Athletes must show due courtesy and concern for all users of public cycle paths, including giving way to all horses, pedestrians and recreational cyclists.
All gates in Canberra Nature Park, the former Stromlo Forest and the National Arboretum which are normally locked will remain locked for this event. Where a gate is closed, you may open the gate to pass through, but must then close the gate behind you. Where a gate on the course is locked, it must be climbed.
The course for the Sri Chinmoy Canberra 100 takes place in a public domain, and follows and intersects with numerous sections of designated equestrian trails. We do not have exclusive use of any tracks or trails. Runners are asked to respect all other path users – including horses, walkers and bike riders.
Horses are flight animals. The sight of groups of running humans can trigger this instinct. If you come across horses, please:
• slow down and give the horse plenty of room to get out of your way
• if there is no room and the horse appears upset, or the rider asks, please slow to a walk and move quietly past the horse
• it may be necessary to stop altogether to allow the horse to be ridden away calmly
Please be mindful that horses use many of the underpasses in Canberra – the ones out of Isaacs Ridge and the Cork Oaks are used in this race. It is dangerous to run up behind a horse in the confined space of an underpass and much safer to give them room to exit before running on. A frightened horse is a risk to itself and anyone around it and they have a long reach with their hind legs if they feel threatened!
Please note that all competitors who have entered or have been entered into this event online, whether as Solo Runners or Relay Team members, must sign the participant waiver before commencing their respective leg or legs of the race. Copies of the waiver will be available at each transition area.
Any competitor who commences a leg without first signing the participant waiver is subject to immediate and automatic disqualification, and is no longer deemed a participant in the event.
In the event that any area of the course is closed to the public for any reason – including but not limited to fire, flooding, traffic or other accident – an alternative route through or around that area will be sought, and advertised at Registration or else signposted on the day of the race. In this case, it cannot be guaranteed that the amended course will be the same distance of the originally advertised course.
In the event that the entire Canberra Nature Park is closed to the public for any reason, the event will be postponed to another date. All entries in an event thus postponed will be held over to that later date, or else may be redeemed for any future running of the event within 3 years of the originally advertised event.
The event is being attended by trained personnel from Sports Medicine Australia who will be on hand to treat injuries. Every competitor must carry a mobile phone.
This is an endurance event, where a spirit of mutual assistance will benefit all. No amount of planning can adequately protect a 100 kilometre course through bushland, and many sections are without medical personnel or marshals for several kilometres. If you encounter another runner in difficulty, please stop to ascertain their condition and lend assistance where possible, and be sure to report the situation to the next marshal you see.
All times listed are in 24-hour clock time according to Eastern Standard Time, which assumes that the race commences with the start of the Solo Runners at 0600. These times apply to both Solo Runners and Relay Teams (even though Relay Teams commence 30 minutes after the Solo Runners).
Relay Leg 1 - 1015 | ||
Relay Leg 2 - 1445 | ||
Relay Leg 3 - 1900 | ||
Relay Leg 4 - 2400 |
After these times, there will be no marshals, checkpoints or aid stations on the course, and split times will not be recorded.
Solo Runners: Any solo runner who does not depart a checkpoint prior to the nominated cut-off time, will not be permitted to proceed in the event. Any runner commencing the final run leg after 1630 must be accompanied either by another competitor OR by his or her helper/pacer, with a headlamp or flashlight. A sweeper will follow the backmarker throughout the course.
Relay Teams: In the event that a team member fails to complete his or her leg before the designated cut-off time, another team member will be allowed to start the next leg at that time. In this case, the team will be permitted to proceed, and all ensuing team members' split times will be recorded, but the team will be recorded as a DNF, ineligible for any awards.
The race finish and communications HQ will be at The Rond Terraces. Relax with a drink, cheer on your friends, and share stories of the day's exploits.
There will be no formal awards ceremony, as many runners need to depart for interstate shortly after their finish. Awards will be presented as soon as practicable after participants cross the Finish line. Awards will be presented to all Solo Runners who complete the course; and the first three all-male, all-female and mixed Relay Teams.
Check any of the following vantage points for stunning vistas...
1. Mt Majura (4th relay leg) 888m
2. Mt Taylor (1st relay leg) 855m
3. Mt Ainslie (4th relay leg) 843m
4. Mt Stanley (1st relay leg) 841m
5. Black Mountain (3rd relay leg) 812m
6. Sheaffe Trig (1st relay leg) 793m
7. Mt Stromlo (2nd relay leg) 782m
8. Mt Arawang (2nd relay leg) 756m
9. Davidson Trig (1st relay leg) 749m
10. Red Hill (1st relay leg) 720m
Note that these records have been set on varying courses, as the event increased from 100km in 2013 to 105km in 2018, before reverting to 100km from 2019 onwards.
Solo Male Under 50: 9:25:38 – Reece McKenzie (2024 – 100km)
Solo Male 50-59: 10:53:17 – Andrew Tully (2023 – 100km)
Solo Male 60-69: 12:56:17 – David Campbell (2022 – 100km)
Solo Female Under 50: 9:47:11 – Steph Auston (2024 – 100km)
Solo Female 50-59: 12:14:00 – Pam Muston (2014 – 101km)
Solo Female 60-69: 13:17:31 – Pam Muston (2023 – 100km)
1st leg Solo Male Under 50: 2:04:57 – Thomas Brazier (2013)
1st leg Solo Male 50-59: 2:15:22 – Mike Matthews (2023)
1st leg Solo Male 60-69: 2:54:56 – Thomas Tang (2024)
1st leg Solo Female Under 50: 2:14:50 – Steph Auston (2024)
1st leg Solo Female 50-59: 2:38:11 – Pam Muston (2014)
1st leg Solo Female 60-69: 2:49:21 – Pam Muston (2020)
2nd leg Solo Male Under 50: 2:13:06 – Reece McKenzie (2024)
2nd leg Solo Male 50-59: 2:41:27 – Andrew Tully (2023)
2nd leg Solo Male 60-69: 3:18:16 – David Campbell (2022)
2nd leg Solo Female Under 50: 2:23:24 – Steph Auston (2024)
2nd leg Solo Female 50-59: 3:13:29 – Pam Muston (2019)
2nd leg Solo Female 60-69: 3:21:42 – Pam Muston (2023)
3rd leg Solo Male Under 50: 2:13:05 – Bradley Carron-Arthur (2014)
3rd leg Solo Male 50-59: 2:52:19 – Andrew Tully (2023)
3rd leg Solo Male 60-69: 3:30:58 – David Campbell (2022)
3rd leg Solo Female Under 50: 2:32:44 – Steph Auston (2024)
3rd leg Solo Female 50-59: 2:50:17 – Pam Muston (2014)
3rd leg Solo Female 60-69: 3:32:18 – Pam Muston (2022)
4th leg Solo Male Under 50: 2:24:35 – Andrew Donaldson (2013)
4th leg Solo Male 50-59: 2:55:05 – Andrew Tully (2023)
4th leg Solo Male 60-69: 3:10:47 – David Campbell (2022)
4th leg Solo Female Under 50: 2:36:15 – Steph Auston (2024)
4th leg Solo Female 50-59: 3:10:14 – Pam Muston (2014)
4th leg Solo Female 60-69: 3:22:24 – Pam Muston (2023)
Relay Teams
All-Female Team: 8:20:26 – "The Hakuna Matatas" (Britt Harriden, Rachel McCormick, Jessica Ronan, Keely Small) (2024 – 100km)
All-Male Team: 6:53:44 – "808s & Heartbreak" (Matthew Berrington, Alan Craigie, Harrison McGill & Hugh WIlliams) (2020 – 100km)
Mixed Team: 7:59:11 – "Big Chungus" (Bryce Anderson, Deon Kenzie, Philo Saunders & Keely Small) (2020 – 100km)
Relay Leg Records
1st leg male: 1:39:50 – Charlie Doherty ("Charlie's Angels") (2020)
1st leg female: 2:01:54 – Elizabeth Humphries ("Cofit-20") (2020)
2nd leg male: 1:42:57 – Ben Maccronan ("The Belco Boys") (2020)
2nd leg female: 2:03:00 – Rachel McCormack ("The Kohuna Matatas") (2024)
3rd leg male: 1:26:02 – Martin Dent ("@runcanberra") (2013)
3rd leg female: 1:47:34 – Keely Small ("Big Chungus") (2020)
4th leg male: 1:32:32 – Hugh Williams ("808s & Heartbreak") (2020)
4th leg female: 1:58:33 – Jessica Ronan ("The Kohuna Matatas") (2024)
Story Archive
Some of our entrants have contributed their own stories – you can read them in the Story Archive.

About the Organisers

The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team
Serving the athletic community for over 40 years...

Team Founder Sri Chinmoy
A lifelong advocate of fitness and self-transcendence...