Sri Chinmoy Lake Swims 08 Race Report
The Sri Chinmoy Lake Swims are among the oldest established lake swims in the country. Initially offering a 2.5 km and a 5 km option, a 500 m swim was added a few years ago to broaden the appeal of the event to novice swimmers as well as the more experienced.
The 2008 Sri Chinmoy Lake Swims drew a total of 80 swimmers to the shores of Yarralumla Bay. First to enter the water at 8 am were the 5 km warriors, followed 5 minutes later by the largest field of the day in the 2.5 km. A further 5 minutes adrift came the 500 m swimmers.
With a lake temperature of 22.5C, most opted to swim without a wetsuit. While the water appeared benign from the shore, swimmers reported slightly choppier conditions out in the middle of the lake. Certainly at the outset it was warmer in the water than out as a generous cloud cover loitered until half way through the race before making way to a glorious sunny day.
First swimmer in the 5 km was 18-year-old Nathan Kuster, followed one minute later by Sascha Saharov. Though competing in the 50+ category, Jo-Anne Danne led the women ashore from Joanna Kay. Alex Gosman was first home in the men's 50-59 category, just a few minutes ahead of the first 60+ swimmer Cyril Baldock.
11-year old Alec Morris was first male ashore in the 2.5 km swim, though he trailed both Bonnie Frankcom and Georgia Hardy who were first females onto the beach. Tim Booth took out the men's 50-59 category just ahead of Terry Dixon in the men's 60-69, while 78-years-young Bevill Purnell looked fantastic in taking out his category. Jill Pettifer led home the 50+ women's category.
Melanie Dodd meanwhile had taken line honours in the 500 m swim from rising stars Brooke Donnelly (right) and Shane Farrant (left).
Congratulations to all finishers. Full results are now published for all races. A photo album will follow in the next day or so.
We look forward to seeing many of you next month for one of the favourite events of the season: the Sri Chinmoy Multi-Sport Classic in Jindabyne.