The Sri Chinmoy Lake Swims for 2011 were staged at Yarralumla Bay, Canberra on Sunday 20 February, with the choice of 3 distances - 5 km, 2.5 km and 500 metres.

Contrary to the uninspiring weather reports, we were graced with glorious sunshine for the Sri Chinmoy Lake Swim held at Yarralumla Bay on Sunday February 20th.
A field of over 90 competitors turned out to challenge mind and body over respective distances of 5km, 2.5km and 500m. Developing winds brought somewhat choppy conditions towards the latter stages of the longer races, though the smiles on the faces of the athletes suggested they had all taken in their stride (or stroke).
In the male categories for the 5km race first place in the Under 50 category was Cory Dimmer in a time of 1:14:21. First place in 50-59 category was Alexander Gosman in a time of 1:27:21 whilst Terry Dixon won the 60-69 in 1:38:55. First place in the 70+ category was Geoff Llewellyn in 3:21:15. Geoff certainly embodies the ideal of self-transcendence and is great inspiration to many younger athletes.
In the female categories for the 5km race first place in the Under 50 was Nicola Johnstone in 1:20:08 whilst Marita Basham took out the 50-59 category in 1:35:19.
In the 2.5km Male Under 50 Graeme Morris won in a time of 38:52, holding off James Olsen by a mere 13 seconds. The 2.5km Male 50-59 category provided an even closer finish with Grant Prowse taking the honours in 43.58 with Tim Booth only five seconds behind. In the 2.5km Male 60-69 John Kennedy was victorious in 58:01. Special mention also goes to crowd favourite Lachlan Lewis, one of great supporters of Sri Chinmoy events over the years and another individual who continually redefines the barriers of age.
In the 2.5km female Under 50 Hayley Gosman was a clear winner in 38:43, as was Anne Smyth in the 50-59 category finishing in 41:06.
The 500 metre race provided the perfect opportunity for many younger competitors to hone their racing skills. Josh Basserabie won the under 13 boys in 13:11, whilst Jordan Kime won the under 17 boys in 10:55. Naomi Stewart won the girls under 17 in 9:39. In the 17 and over category David Bale was the first male across the line in 8:45, whilst Victoria Clancy was the first female in 9:27.
We salute all the swimmers who competed in today's event. Thanks also to all the volunteers and spectators for their efforts in creating the jovial atmosphere that has become a trademark of Sri Chinmoy events. We look forward to seeing you all at our next event! Keep training and keep smiling!
Sri Chinmoy Lake Swims