Sri Chinmoy Mirambeena 07 Race Report
Early morning rain descended on the Mirambeena Nature Reserve. Despite the precipitation, the location was surprisingly beautiful, to the eyes of this first time visitor. Why hadn't anybody told me about it before? But then, I suppose our country is filled with magical spots only waiting to be discovered by fresh eyes.

The rain grew heavier as the first participants arrived to register, and attempts were made to waterproof the pancake marquee!
Fortunately the rain had stopped by 8 am, when it was time for the race to start. The 16 km and 8 km events started together. The 2 mile race started five minutes later.
It was with some surprise that we noticed the 2 mile race leader Mohan Dhall returning to finish in under 9 minutes, with the other runners not too far behind! It seems that a shortcut was inadvertently taken by the field. A note was most assuredly taken by the organisers to ensure this doesn't happen next time. William Chaffey in the Under 17 division was second outright and Bryce Marsden in the Under 13 division was fourth outright.
Peter Hatton was first home in the 8 km in 30:54, closely followed by Liam Rapley and John Hughes (far left). Tracey O'Donnell was the first female in a time of 37:38, followed by Sharen Ryan and Leonie Tonner. Dorothy Siepmann, the only over 60 female competitor of the day, finished in 47:35.
Luigi Manfrini (right), a phD student from Bologna, won the 16 km in 60:46, followed by David Pell three and a half minutes later. Then there was a lull of more than seven minutes before Brendan Davies finished in third place. Next was Sharon Antonir (left), first woman across the line, in 74:19.
Thanks to all the runners who came to our inaugural Mirambeena race. Many commented on what a great environment it was for a race, and we look forward to returning next year.
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