Sri Chinmoy Twilight Beach Run - 15km, 10km, 5km & kids 2.5km

Manly Brisbane

A fast and flat and stunningly beautiful waterfront course

● Fun & friendly atmosphere
● Drink stations on course
● Age group medals
● We will have a sausage sizzle for all runners after the race

About the event

We will celebrate the close of Spring with a twilight run along the Wynnum foreshore. This is a beautiful course, nice and flat and with the ocean always in view.

To keep everyone safe, including the volunteers, we will have the 15 &10km races turning around at the 2.5km point for the first 5km and repeating. The kids will still do their 1.25km loop with adults running with them (hopefully parents can help with this). We have a cut off time of 2hrs.

It would be advisable to bring a head lamp if you are running the longer distances. It does get quite dark by the finish.

All details of the course will be covered in the race briefing which will be 10mins before the start.







Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Brisbane
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Award categories

  • 15k, 10k & 5km - female & male U50, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, Over 80
  • 2.5k U8, U10, U12 & 14 & under - 1st, 2nd & 3rd

Event Details

  • Accurately measured traffic free course with markers every km
  • Drink stations every 2.5km equipped with Powerade and water
  • First aid services are provided by First Response
  • Fresh fruit
  • Toilets available at the start/finish area
  • Electronic timing with live web streaming

Convenient carparking is available at the venue. Manly Station is a fifteen minute walk from the venue.

Provisional results will be streamed live to the web during the race.

Track live results | Webscorer

A link to the finalised results will be emailed to all participants after the completion of all races.

How to Enter

Enter Online

Online entries close midnight Friday 3 November

  • 2.5km - $22
  • 5km - $32
  • 10km - $40
  • 15km - $47

Entries are non-transferable, ie. you cannot give your number to someone else.


. Minimum age requirements on day of race:

  • 2.5km: 14 & under (parents run for free)
  • 5km: 10 years & over
  • 10km: 12 years & over
  • 15km: 14 years & over

1st, 2nd & 3rd place medals will be presented in the 5km,10km & 15km for the following categories, both female and male:

Under 50, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 & Over

2.5km race: 1st, 2nd & 3rd place medals will be presented for the following categories:

Under 8, under 10, under 12 & 14 & under