Sri Chinmoy National Capital Swim
Swim the 10km length of Lake Burley Griffin – for solo swimmers and relay teams
About the event
The 21st anniversary edition of the Sri Chinmoy National Capital Swim will be held on Sunday 30 November 2025.
From end to end, Lake Burley Griffin presents pristine natural beauty, a playground for recreational enjoyment and competitive sports, and a grand arena for the display of national monuments, symbols and icons. Government House, Parliament House (old and new), the National Museum, National Library, National Gallery and High Court grace its shores with natural reserves, manicured parklands, beaches and civic promenades.
Tackle the entire length of the lake as a major athletic goal; or join with friends to complete the journey in relay.
2023 Sri Chinmoy National Capital Swim
Enjoy the 2023 Sri Chinmoy National Capital Swim from the air, land and water.
10 km
View course map »
Start time
- 0730 solos + >50 teams
- 0730 relay teams <50
- Till 5pm, 30 October: solo $75; relay team $95
- After 5pm, 30 October: solo $95; relay team $120
- Add $10 one race licence fee for non-TA members
- ALL entries close 5pm, Friday 28 November
Prachar Stegemann

Award categories
- Trophies for solo 'no wetsuit' categories; medallions for all solo finishers
- 1st to 7th Male and Female Under 50
- 1st to 3rd Male and Female 50-59
- 1st and 2nd Male and Female 60-69
- 1st Male and Female 70 and Over
- Medallions for 1st All-Male; All-Female and Mixed Relay Teams
Race Information
- For solo swimmers
- For relay teams
- Participant waivers
- Water temp & wetsuits
- Transitions
- Registration & start
- Course marking
- Safety & emergency
- Cut-off times
- Finish, awards & results
- Withdrawals & refunds
- Contingency plans
- Course records
Solo Swimmers
Solo swimmers must follow the same course as the relay teams, and have their number recorded at each transition point. Swimmers may take rest at any transition point, remembering that the clock does not stop.
Each solo swimmer must provide his or her own helper, who will accompany the swimmer in their own craft - either kayak, canoe or water ski. Each helper may only be responsible for one swimmer. Helpers will be issued with a chest number to be worn throughout the race. Swimmers may take food and drink from their helper, but are not permitted to touch their helper or any craft while in the water. Except while serving food or drink, the helper must stay 3 metres clear of their swimmer, and must give way to overtaking swimmers and craft at all times. It is the helper's responsibility to ensure the timers record their swimmer's number at each transition. Helpers must not interfere with or obstruct the progress of any other swimmer. To do so will incur the disqualification of the helper's swimmer, even if he or she plays no part in such interference.
Wetsuits and Non-Wetsuit Competitors
Main awards will be for solo swimmers not wearing wetsuits, though all solo swimmers completing the course will receive a finisher's award, whether wearing a wetsuit or not. Please notify with entry if you intend swimming with, or without a wetsuit.
Criteria for Entry
All solo swimmers must include with entry a detailed athletic history, including results of previous competitive and endurance swims.
Relay Team Legs
There are 4 legs, as follows:
Leg 1 Scrivener Dam boom to Weston Park west beach, 1.9 km
Leg 2 Weston Park west beach to Yarralumla swimming beach, 2.8 km
Leg 3 Yarralumla swimming beach to Gallipoli Reach, 3.3 km
Leg 4 Gallipoli Reach to Grevillea Park beach, 2 km
Relay Team Categories
Categories for teams are:
all-male (M),
all-female (F),
mixed (X).
Age Restrictions
Minimum age for Relay Team members is 14 years. All Relay Team members under 18 years of age will be accepted to compete only if entry form is accompanied by a letter of permission from a parent or guardian. If entering online, the permission letter(s) must be mailed or emailed to the organisers.
Composition of Relay Teams
Relay Teams may include 2, 3 or 4 members. Each team member must swim one or more complete legs. Each leg must be swum by one team member only, and cannot be sub-divided between team members. One individual may swim separate legs for different teams, as long as these legs are not consecutive.
Team Replacements
Replacement of team members is allowed, provided the replacement does not alter the category of the team. Replacement members must sign the official waiver form at Registration. Also at Registration, names are to be confirmed for each member doing each leg. Changes to this schedule are permitted on the day, provided transition marshals are informed of the change in advance of the leg concerned.
Accompaniment of Team Members
Relay Teams may accompany their swimmers in any craft, by prior agreement with the organisers.
All competitors who have entered or have been entered into this event online, whether as solo swimmers or relay team members, as well as all replacement team members, must sign the participant waiver before commencing their respective leg or legs of the race. Copies of the waiver will be available at each transition point.
Any competitor who commences a leg without first signing the participant waiver is subject to immediate and automatic disqualification, and is no longer deemed a participant in the event.
Water Temperature
Average temperature in Lake Burley Griffin at this time of year is 17C - 21C, though water temperature can vary markedly from one part of the lake to another.
Wetsuits of no more than 5 mm thickness are allowed for both solo swimmers and relay team members. There will be a separate category for solo swimmers not wearing wetsuits, though no disctinction will be made in the relay teams divisions between wetsuit or non-wetsuit wearers.
Swim Caps
Swim caps will be issued at Registration, and must be worn throughout the race.
Transition Points
Start (start of leg 1): Scrivener Dam boom, off Scrivener Point
First Transition (start of leg 2): Weston Park west beach
Second Transition (start of leg 3): Yarralumla swimming beach
Third Transition (start of leg 4): Gallipoli Reach (near Rond Terrace)
Finish: Grevillea Park beach
Transition Procedure - Solo Swimmers
Solo swimmers must come to within 5 metres of shore at each transition point, close enough to stand up and have their race number recorded. If instructed to do so, solo swimmers must come ashore and have their condition monitored by medical staff. Swimmers must comply with the instructions of medical staff, including any directive to take rest, receive treatment or withdraw from the race. Failure to do so will result in immediate disqualification.
Transition Procedure - Teams
Team members must report to the timing crew to have their name and number recorded, sign the participant waiver, have their number written on and swim cap issued, no less than 15 minutes prior to expected departure. Swimmers may NOT write their own number on themselves! The swimmer exiting the water must come through the chute and have his or her number and time recorded and be cleared by the timing crew, before 'tagging' the next team swimmer in the transition compound, who is then free to depart.
Aid Stations
There will be aid station supplies at each transition point. These will include water, sports drink, First Aid kit, vaseline, sunscreen (all available to swimmers only). Hot soup will be served for all swimmers and official helpers at the finish.
Driving Directions to Transition Points
Start, Scrivener Point. Scrivener Point is off Lady Denman Dr, just to the north of Scrivener Dam. Access to Lady Denman Dr is from Parkes Way or Tuggeranong Parkway coming from the north, or from Cotter Rd coming from the south. Please note that Scrivener Point is a drop-off only area. There is NO PARKING at Scrivener Point or along Lady Denman Dr. Parking is in the car park off Lady Denman Dr just to the south of Scrivener Dam. Please allow 7 - 10 minutes to walk to the start.
Transition 1 - Weston Park west beach. From Scrivener Dam, follow Lady Denman Dr south. Turn left on Cotter Rd, then left again into Dudley St (the first set of traffic lights). Turn left at the roundabout into Novar St, then left again at the next roundabout into Bentham St, at the Yarralumla shops. Turn right into Banks St. Follow Banks St all the way until it becomes Weston Park Rd and enters Weston Park. Turn left into Prescott Lane and park in the car park near the end of Prescott Lane.
Transition 2 – Yarralumla swimming beach. From Transition 1, follow Prescott Lane back to Weston Park Rd. Turn right on Weston Park Rd (which becomes Banks St), then left into Brown St, which becomes Alexandrina Dr. Continue on Alexandrina Dr past the intersection of Hopetoun Circuit, then look for the dirt car park on your left, which leads down to Yaralumla swiming beach. The transition is in front of the "Dreamer of Peace" statue of Sri Chinmoy.
Transition 3 - the transition at Gallipoli Reach is a small beach just to the WEST of Rond Terrace (note that some maps place it to the east of Rond Terrace!) Park at Rond Terrace (pay parking!) From Transition 2, follow Alexandrina Dr eastward. Go straight through the roundabout of Flynn Dr, continuing past the Chinese Embassy to turn left onto Commonwealth Ave, passing over Commonwealth Ave bridge. Cross over Parkes Way and take the exit for "City West" and "Airport", looping down onto Parkes Way, now heading west. Continue west along Parkes Way until you come to Rond Terrace, on your right. Park in the car park on the right, off Parkes Way, ensuring you purchase a parking ticket, as fines are regularly issued here on Sundays.
Finish - Grevillea Park. From Transition 3, head out onto Parkes Way heading west. Continue on Parkes Way until it becomes Morshead Dr. Turn right at the next roundabout into Menindee Dr, and park in the car park in Grevillea Park.
Registration and Start Procedures
Team Changes
If necessary, changes to team membership or swimming order can be made at Registration prior to the race start. It is preferable however, to please advise us of any changes before the close of entries.
Compulsory Registration for all Solo Swimmers, their helpers and Leg 1 Relay Team members will take place from 5.45am at Scrivener Point (off Lady Denman Dr just to the north of Scrivener Dam).
Registration closes at 6.15am for Solo Swimmers and their helpers, and at 6.20am am for Teams.
Relay team members for legs 2, 3 and 4 will register at their respective transition point, at least 15 minutes prior to their anticipated departure.
Please note there is very limited at Scrivener Point, or along Lady Denman Drive. Park in the car park on the southern side of Scrivener Dam and walk to Scrivener Point, about 700 metres - allow 7 to 10 minutes for the walk.
All Solo Swimmers and their helpers must attend Registration. Only the first Relay Team swimmer need attend, along with any replacement team members.
Race numbers will be written on the backs of swimmers' hands. Helpers' race numbers and packs will be issued, along with last-minute event information.
Pre-Race Briefing
A pre-race briefing will be given 5 minutes prior to each wave start at Scrivener Point (off Lady Denman Dr to the north of Scrivener Dam).
There is limited parking at the start. Additional parking is available in the car park on the southern side of Scrivener Dam, 700 metres from the start. Please do not park at the National Aquarium.
Start Times and Procedure
The race will start in waves in deep water from the boom off Scrivener Point. Swimmers may position themselves anywhere along the boom, and must be holding the boom with one hand at the start.
Solo Swimmers AND RELAY TEAMS ALL OVER 50 will start at 6.30am.
Relay Teams (under 50) commence at 6.45am.
The course will be marked by swim buoys.
All swimmers must follow the course as set on the day. All swimmers must swim to within 2 metres of every designated swim buoy on the course. It is the swimmer's choice whether to pass to the left or right of each swim buoy.
Solo swimmers must come to within 3 metres of the shore at each transition point to have their number recorded.
Safety and Emergency Procedures
The race will be patrolled by 3 boats and a flotilla of canoes and kayaks for directional assistance and safety alert.
Sports Medicine Australia personnel will be in attendance at each transition point and at the finish.
Swimmers finding themselves in any difficulty should immediately signal the nearest craft for assistance. Provided they are not propelled in a forward direction, swimmers may rest on a safety craft indefinitely. Swimmers must obey all directions from race officials at all times. Race officials have the right to withdraw any swimmer from the event at any time.
Cut-Off Times and Procedures
The following cut-off times appear in 24-hour clock time according to Eastern Daylight Savings Time, asssuming that the solo swimmers commence at 0630:
Leg 1 - 0735
Leg 2 - 0845
Leg 3 - 1000
Finish - 1050
In the event that a solo swimmer has not reached a transition point by the cut-off time, he or she will automatically be withdrawn from the race.
In the event that a relay team member does not reach a transition by the cut-off time, his or her team may continue, commencing the next leg at the cut-off time, and will be ineligible for any awards.
Race Finish
The race finish is on the beach at Grevillea Park.
The Awards Ceremony will be held in Grevillea Park at or about 10.15am.
Special awards will be presented to all Solo Swimmers. Awards will be presented to the first placed team in each of the all-male, all-female and mixed teams divisions.
Race Results
Full race results, including split times for each leg for both solo swimmers and relay teams, will be posted on this website as soon as practicable after the event, along with a race report and photo gallery.
Refunds (minus $10 administration fee) will be made if signed advice of withdrawal is received in writing no later than 5pm on the last Monday prior to race day.
Inland water bodies are occasionally affected by various natural phenomena such as blue-green algae or bacteria. All areas of Lake Burley Griffin are tested regularly and rigorously, and are subject to closure by the National Capital Authority if the levels of any potentially harmful organisms rise above certain standard measures.
In the event that swimming is prohibited in some part of the lake on the day of the race, an alternate course will be advised. In the event that swimming is prohibited in most or all of Lake Burley Griffin, the race will take place in another of Canberra's lakes, either Lake Ginninderra or Lake Tuggeranong. In this instance, the distance of the course and the distance of each relay leg may vary from that advertised. Advice of such changes will be posted on the event website at the earliest opportunity.
If the location of the event is changed or the route altered significantly, winning times achieved on the revised course cannot be recognised as course records.
In the event that swimming is prohibited in all of Canberra's lakes on the advertised race date, the race will be postponed to a later date. If the race is postponed due to lake closure, entrants may elect to transfer their entry to the revised date or place their entry on hold. Entries 'on hold' will be valid until used once for the same event within 3 years successive to the originally advertised date of the race.
Solo Swimmers sans Wetsuit
Male Under 50 - 1:53:44, Benjamin Freeman, 2014
Male 50 - 59 - 2:09:06, John Fox, 2014
Male 60 - 69 - 2:32:57, Jeff Banks, 2008
Male 70 and Over - 3:02:34, Graeme Wolfenden, 2023
Female Under 50 – 1:55:27, Jessica Traficante, 2013
Female 50 - 59 - 2:38:16, Jo-Anne Danne, 2008
Female 60 - 69 - 2:56:46, Jannion Di Tommaso, 2017
Leg | Record Holder-Male | Time | Year | Record Holder-Female | Time | Year |
1 | Benjamin Freeman | 19:24 | 2015 | Jessica Traficante | 19:27 | 2013 |
2 | Benjamin Freeman | 33:05 | 2014 | Shanyn Sparreboom | 32:55 | 2006 |
3 | Benjamin Freeman | 38:56 | 2015 | Jessica Traficante | 38:19 | 2013 |
4 | Benjamin Freeman | 20:51 | 2014 | Jessica Traficante | 21:48 | 2011 |
Solo Swimmers with Wetsuit
Male Under 50 - 1:50:04, Oliver Bourne, 2014
Male 50 - 59 - 2:28:05, Stephen Meredith, 2004
Male 60 - 69 - 2:33:07, Greg Gourley, 2018
Male 70+ - 2:50:26, Geoff Llewellyn, 2009
Male 80+ - 3:06:04, Geoff Llewellyn, 2013
Female Under 50 - 2:12:39, Alanna Hale, 2005
Female 50 - 59 - 2:29:08, Julie Bowman, 2023
Female 60 - 69 - 2:37:11, Jannion De Tomasso, 2015
Leg | Record Holder-Male | Time | Year | Record Holder-Female | Time | Year |
1 | Oliver Bourne | 19:23 | 2014 | Kareena Lee | 20:23 | 2019 |
2 | Oliver Bourne | 32:02 | 2014 | Alanna Hale | 36:28 | 2005 |
3 | Warren Keegan | 38:00 | 2013 | Alanna Hale | 41:30 | 2005 |
4 | Oliver Bourne | 19:55 | 2010 | Kareena Lee | 20:49 | 2019 |
Relay Teams
Overall Time
Category | Time | Name | Year |
All-Male Team | 2:05:20 | Dickson Old Timers | 2006 |
All-Male Team Over 50 | 2:17:30 | Rod and Reel (Andrew Dawes, Rodney Smith) | 2018 |
All-Male Team Over 60 | 2:39:19 | The Old Guys (Alex Gosman, Terry Dixon) | 2017 |
All-Female Team | 2:09:55 | Terry Told Us | 2004 |
All-Female Team Over 50 | 3:14:43 | Vikings Vintage 61 Jeanette Droop, Leisa Cass) | 2018 |
All-Female Team Over 60 | 3:37:09 | S.A.S.S.Y (Karina Horton, Helen Rubin) | 2018 |
Mixed Team | 1:55:54 | GLAN | 2014 |
Fastest Splits for Relay Swimmers
Leg | Record Holder-Male | Time | Year | Record Holder-Female | Time | Year |
1 | James Thorp | 20:58 | 2018 | Chloe Bateup | 23:01 | 2019 |
2 | Mitchell Nemec | 32:29 | 2008 | Jessica Traficante | 34:04 | 2009 |
3 | Lars Miller | 38:00 | 2004 | Jessica Traficante | 38:34 | 2008 |
4 | James Thorp | 22:22 | 2018 | Grace Hoitink | 21:57 | 2014 |

About the Organisers

The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team
Serving the athletic community for over 40 years...

Team Founder Sri Chinmoy
A lifelong advocate of fitness and self-transcendence...